Introduction / Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar and Pieter B. Hartog -- Sources, fragments, and additions: biblical criticism and the Dead Sea scrolls / Reinhard G. Kratz -- Post-colonialism, hybridity, and the Dead Sea scrolls / Samuel L. Adams -- The social milieu of 4QJer[superscript a] (4Q70) in a Second Temple Jewish manuscript culture: fragments, manuscripts, variance, and meaning / Kipp Davis -- Male and female, heaven and earth: Claude Lévi-Strauss's structuralist approach to myth and the Enochic myth of the watchers / Matthew Goff -- Pesher as commentary / Pieter B. Hartog -- 4QCant[superscript b]: ein dramatischer Text / Matthias Hopf -- Scribal approaches to damaged manuscripts: not just a modern dilemma / Drew Longacre -- Das Jubiläenbuch als Erzählung, Mose als Schreiber: diachrone Beobachtungen zu einem synchronen Ansatz / Simone Paganini -- Reading sectarian spaces: critical spatial theory and the case of the Yahad / Alison Schofield -- Sociolinguistics and the misleading use of the concept of anti-language for Qumran Hebrew / Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar.
"The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Study of the Humanities explores the use of methods, theories, and approaches from the humanities in the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The volume contains ten essays on topics ranging from New Philology and socio-linguistics to post-colonial thinking and theories of myth"--Jacket.
Dead Sea scrolls and the study of the humanities method, theory, meaning.
Dead Sea scrolls
Dead Sea scrolls.
Humanities, Congresses.
Hartog, Pieter B.
Schofield, Alison
Thomas, Samuel I., (Samuel Isaac)
International Organization for Qumran Studies., Meeting(8th :2013 :, Munich, Germany),author.