PROBABILITY; Contents; 1 General questions; 2 The various approaches to probability theory; 2.1 Classical probability; 2.2 Frequency-based (or empirical) approach; 2.3 The subjective approach: its relevance to Economics and Management; 3 The axiomatic approach, or the maths of probability; 3.1 Sample space and events; 3.2 The axioms; 4 Random numbers; 4.1 What a random number is; 4.2 The probability distribution of a random number; 4.3 Computer simulation of random numbers; 5 Expected value of (a function of) a random number; 5.1 Moments; 5.2 Moment generating function.
5.3 Conditional random numbers and conditional expectations5.4 A brief summary of standard distributions; 6 Expected utility and certainty equivalent; 6.1 The problem; 6.2 The answer to the problem; 6.3 The estimation of u; 6.4 The notion of risk-aversion; 6.5 Some popular utility functions; 7 Random vectors: first notions; 7.1 Notion of random vector; 7.2 The probability distribution of a random vector; 7.3 The notion of stochastic independence between two random numbers; 7.4 The expectation of a random vector; 7.5 The expectation of a function of a random vector.
7.6 Second order moments for random vectors7.7 The variance of a linear function of random numbers; 8 Exercises; References; Index; Back cover.