Intro; Foreword to the Series; Preface; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Trends in World Marine Capture Fisheries; 1.2 Nature of Fisheries Resources; 1.3 Fish Stock Variability and Marine Ecosystem Dynamics; 1.4 Fishery and Ecosystem Monitoring; 1.5 Aim and Structure of This Book; References; Part I: Dynamics of Fish Stocks in Marine Ecosystems; Chapter 2: Part I: Description; References; Chapter 3: Biological Mechanisms Underlying Climate Impacts on Population Dynamics of Small Pelagic Fish; 3.1 Population Dynamics of Small Pelagic Fish; 3.2 Climate Cascade.
3.3 Vital Parameters as an Amplifier3.3.1 Growth and Survival Mechanisms During Early Life Stages; 3.3.2 Consequence of Subtle Environmental Variability Through Stage Duration Mechanism; 3.3.3 Consequence of Subtle Environmental Variability Through Growth-Selective Predation Mechanism; 3.3.4 Vital Parameters and Species Alternations; 3.4 Food-Based Hypotheses for Species Alternations; 3.4.1 Optimal Environmental Window Hypothesis; 3.4.2 Trophic Dissimilarity Hypothesis for Upwelling Systems; 3.4.3 Trophodynamics Hypothesis for the Kuroshio Current System.
3.5 Temperature-Based Hypotheses for Species Alternations3.5.1 Optimal Growth Temperature Hypothesis; 3.5.2 Optimal Spawning Temperature; 3.6 Other Hypotheses; 3.6.1 Intraspecific Interactions; 3.6.2 Interspecific Interactions; 3.6.3 Fishing Pressure; 3.7 Future Recommendations; 3.7.1 Synthesis of Different Hypotheses; 3.7.2 Synthesis Among Different Ecosystems; 3.7.3 Multidisciplinary Approaches; References; Chapter 4: Population Dynamics of Demersal Fish Focusing on Walleye Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus); 4.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Near the Sea Bottom.
4.2 Characteristics of Demersal Fish4.3 Factors Affecting Demersal Fish Recruitment; 4.4 Recruitment Mechanism of Pollock; 4.4.1 Eastern Bering Sea; 4.4.2 Gulf of Alaska; 4.4.3 Pacific Coast of Northern Japan; 4.4.4 Sea of Japan off Northern Japan; 4.4.5 Other Sea Areas; 4.4.6 Summary of Pollock Recruitment Mechanism; 4.5 Recruitment Modeling; 4.6 Recruitment Models for Pollock; 4.7 Stock Assessment and Recruitment Prediction of Demersal Fishes; 4.8 Stock Management Strategies for Demersal Fishes; References.
Chapter 5: Significance of Sex-Specific Ecological and Life History Traits on the Sustainable Exploitation of Sharks5.1 Biological Characteristics of Sharks; 5.1.1 Difference Between Teleost Fishes and Sharks; 5.1.2 Sexual Specificity in Sharks; 5.2 Case Study of Shortfin Mako; 5.2.1 Biological Background; 5.2.2 Life History Traits; 5.2.3 Distribution and Behavior; 5.3 Implications of the Sexual Difference in Life History and Behavior on the Sustainable Use of Sharks; 5.3.1 Ecological Perspective; 5.3.2 A Practical Perspective on the Effective Management of Sharks; 5.4 Future Directions.
This book explores how we can solve the urgent problem of optimizing the use of variable, uncertain but finite fisheries resources while maintaining sustainability from a marine-ecosystem conservation perspective. It offers readers a broad understanding of the current methods and theory for sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources, and introduces recent findings and technological developments. The book is divided into three parts: Part I discusses fish stock dynamics, and illustrates how ecological processes affecting life cycles and biological interactions in marine environments lead to fish stock variability in space and time in major fish groups; small pelagic fish, demersal fish and large predatory fish. These insights shed light on the mechanisms underlying the variability in fish stocks and form the essential biological basis for fisheries management. Part II addresses the technologies and systems that monitor changes in fisheries resources and marine ecosystems using two approaches: fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data. It also describes acoustic surveys and biological sampling, as well as stock assessment methods. Part III examines management models for effectively assessing the natural variability in fisheries resources. The authors explore ways of determining the allowable catch in response to changes in stock abundance and how to incorporate ecological processes and monitoring procedures into management models. This book offers readers a broad understanding of sustainable exploitation as well as insights into fisheries management for the next generation.