Structural dynamics with applications in earthquake and wind engineering /
Konstantin Meskouris, Christoph Butenweg, Klaus-G. Hinzen, Rüdiger Höffer.
Second edition.
Berlin, Germany :
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; Contents; Authors and Contributors; 1 Basic Theory and Numerical Tools; 1.1 Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems; 1.1.1 Linear SDOF Systems in the Time Domain; 1.1.2 Linear SDOF Systems in the Frequency Domain; 1.1.3 Nonlinear SDOF Systems in the Time Domain; 1.1.4 Applications of the Theory of SDOF Systems: Response Spectra; 1.2 Discrete Multi-degree of Freedom Systems; 1.2.1 Condensation Techniques; 1.2.2 Lumped-Mass Models of MDOF Systems; 1.2.3 Modal Analysis for Lumped-Mass Systems; 1.2.4 The Linear Viscous Damping Model; 1.2.5 Direct Integration for Lumped-Mass Systems
1.2.6 Application to Base ExcitationAppendix: Descriptions of the Programs of Chapter 1, in Alphabetical Order; 2 Seismic Loading; 2.1 The Earthquake Phenomenon; 2.1.1 Earthquake Source Model; 2.1.2 Seismic Waves; 2.2 Strong Ground Motion Characteristics; 2.2.1 Prediction of Ground Motion Parameters; 2.2.2 Site Specific Ground Motion Parameters; 2.3 Source Effects; 2.3.1 Point Source Approximation and Equivalent Forces; 2.3.2 Moment Tensor; 2.3.3 Finite Source Effects; 2.3.4 Seismic Source Spectrum; 2.4 Site Effects; 2.4.1 Single Layer Without Damping; 2.4.2 Single Layer with Damping
2.4.3 Multiple Layers with Damping2.5 Design Ground Motions; 2.6 Examples of Application; References; 3 Stochasticity of Wind Processes and Spectral Analysis of Structural Gust Response; 3.1 Short Review of the Stochasticity of Wind Processes; 3.1.1 General; 3.1.2 Stochastical Description of the Turbulent Wind; 3.1.3 Spectral Analysis of Wind Processes; 3.2 Spectral Analysis of the Structural Gust Response; 3.2.1 Quasi-stationary Load Models; 3.2.2 Aerodynamic Admittance Function; 3.2.3 Transfer Functions; 3.2.4 Response Spectrum
3.2.5 Implementation of Spectral Analysis in the Eurocode Procedure3.2.6 Modal Analysis for Structural Response Due to the Wind Loading; References; 4 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures According to Eurocode 8; 4.1 General Introduction and Code Concept; 4.1.1 Contents; 4.1.2 Performance and Compliance Criteria; 4.1.3 General Rules for Earthquake Resistant Structures; 4.1.4 Seismic Actions; 4.1.5 Analysis Methods; 4.1.6 Torsional Effects; 4.2 Design and Specific Rules for Different Materials; 4.2.1 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures; 4.2.2 Design of Steel Structures
4.2.3 Design of Masonry StructuresAppendix; References; 5 Seismic Design of Structures and Components in Industrial Units; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Safety Concept Based on Importance Factors; 5.3 Design of Primary Structures; 5.4 Secondary Structures; 5.4.1 Design Concepts; 5.4.2 Example: Container in a 5-Storey Unit; 5.5 Silos; 5.5.1 Equivalent Static Force Approach After Eurocode 8-4 (2006); 5.5.2 Nonlinear Simulation Model; 5.5.3 Determination of the Natural Frequencies of Silos; 5.5.4 Damping Values for Silos; 5.5.5 Soil-Structure Interaction
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the theory of structural dynamics, highlighting practical issues and illustrating applications with a large number of worked out examples. In the spirit of "learning by doing" it encourages readers to apply immediately these methods by means of the software provided, allowing them to become familiar with the broad field of structural dynamics in the process. The book is primarily focused on practical applications. Earthquake resistant design is presented in a holistic manner, discussing both the underlying geophysical concepts and the latest engineering design methods and illustrated by fully worked out examples based on the newest structural codes. The spectral characteristics of turbulent wind processes and the main analysis methods in the field of structural oscillations due to wind gusts and vortex shedding are also discussed and applications illustrated by realistic examples of slender chimney structures. The user-friendly software employed is downloadable and can be readily used by readers to tackle their own problems.