Intro; Thank you; Table of Contents; List of Figures and Tables; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature review; 2.1 The Challenges for Migrant Origin Pupils in the German Education System; 2.2 Identity and Identity Threat; 2.3 Citizenship; 2.4 Contemporary School Education Reforms for Disadvantaged Pupils; 3 Theory of the Capability Approach; 3.1 Capabilities, Functioning's and Conversion Factors; 3.2 Agency; 3.3 Women and the Capability Approach; 4 Methodology; 4.1 Grounded Theory Methodology; 5 Methods of the Research; 5.1 Design of the Research; 5.1.1 Pilot Study
10.1 Discrimination10.2 Stereotypes; 10.3 Institutional Marginalization; 11 Living in a Multicultural Society; 11.1 Unity; 11.2 Multiculturalism; 12 Discussion of the Research Findings; 12.1 Answering Research Questions; 12.2 How the Research Data Incorporates with the Theory of the Capability Approach; 12.3 Validity and Reliability of the Research; 13 Contribution of Doctoral Research to Educational Science and Capability Approach Research in Germany; 13.1 What is the Most Important Finding of this Research Which Will Contribute Most to Social Science in Germany?
13.1.1 The factors that contribute to the identity of girls of Turkish origin (citizenship, religion, ethnicity)13.1.2 The importance of education as a route to the good life; 13.1.3 The nature and extent to which girls of Turkish origin are marginalized; 13.1.4 The idea of a multicultural society; 13.2 Why is the chosen theoretical model important?; 13.3 What are the Implications for Education and Policy?; 13.4 Further Research; References; Appendixes
5.1.2 Redesigning the Research after the Pilot Study5.2 Triangulation; 5.2.1 Developing Interview Guidelines for Focus Groups and Individual Interviews using the Lenses of Capability Approach; 5.3 Sampling the Participants; 5.3.1 Socio-Economic Background of the Participants; 5.4 Procedures; 5.4.1 Focus Groups; 5.4.2 Individual Life-History Interview; 5.5 The process of Data Collection; 6 Data analysis; 6.1 Answering Research Questions; 7 Analysis and Findings; 8 Construction of Identity; 8.1 Citizenship; 8.2 Religion; 8.3 Ethnicity; 9 Education as an Aspiration; 10 Marginalization
This book reports research on young Turkish women`s interpretation of a good life in Germany. There were two goals. The first was to identify how girls from Turkish origin living in Germany develop a positive view of themselves: How do they perceive opportunities for empowerment, agency, and emancipation? What are their inspirations and aspirations? The second goal was to establish how girls from Turkish origin living in Germany interpreted challenges to seeking a good life at school and in the wider society? With the support of focus groups, the life history interview method and socio-economic questionnaires four main categories were identified in the findings of the research: construction of identity; aspiration for education; marginalization; and living in a multicultural society. Contents Theory of the Capability Approach Construction of Identity Education as an Aspiration Marginalization Living in a Multicultural Society Target Groups Scholars and students of educational science and sociology Practitioners and policy makers in education and human development, with particular reference to migration, multicultural contexts and social inequality The Author Dr. Pınar Burcu Güner is a postdoctoral researcher at Bielefeld School of Public Health.