Hermeneia--a critical and historical commentary on the Bible
Facsims. on lining papers.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 359-381) and indexes.
Includes text of First Peter.
Introduction -- Authorship -- Date -- Readers -- Literary shape of 1 Peter -- Theological shape of 1 Peter -- Structure and outline -- Text of 1 Peter -- Commentary -- Epistolary opening (1:1-2) -- Epistolary introduction (1:1-2) -- Excursus: Area address in 1:1 -- Prooemium (1:3-12) -- A new life and its consequences (1:3-5) -- Excursus: Common baptismal liturgy underlying 1 Peter 3-5 and Titus 3:5-7 -- Trials in the present, salvation in the future (1:6-9) -- Salvation in Christ revealed to the prophets (1:10-12) -- Excursus: Apocalyptic and 1 Peter -- Body opening (1:13--2:10) -- Lives of hope are holy lives (1:13-16) -- Excursus: Imperatival use of participles in 1 Peter -- Act in ways appropriate to your redemption (1:17-21) -- Excursus: The Jewish proselyte ceremonial as the key to 1:18-19 -- Begotten by God's word, you must love one another (1:22-25) -- Excursus: Background and derivation of 1:22 -- Desire appropriate things (2:1-3) -- You are a chosen people (2:4-10) -- Excursus: 1 Peter 2:5, temple or house -- Body middle (2:11--4:11) -- Thwarting false accusations by good behavior (2:11-12) -- Subordination of everyone to civil authorities (2:13-17) -- Excursus: 1 Peter 2:13-17 and Romans 13:1-7 -- Appropriate conduct for Christian household slaves (2:18-25) -- Appropriate conduct for Christian wives--and husbands (3:1-7) -- Appropriate conduct for every Christian (3:8-12) -- Right conduct for every Christian: bearing undeserved suffering (3:13-17) -- Excursus: 1 Peter 3:16a and the Pliny-Trajan correspondence -- The suffering and triumphant Christ (3:18-22) -- Excursus: The figure of Enoch in 1 Peter 3:19 -- Excursus: When did Christ "go" and "preach"? -- Excursuss: Use of the stem kērug in the New Testament -- Right conduct among unbelievers (4:1-6) -- Right conduct among believers (4:7-11) -- Body closing (4:12-5:11) -- Christian suffering in eschatological context (4:12-19) -- Excursus: On the meaning of àllotriepískopos -- Appropriate conduct in the community (5:1-5) -- Appropriate Conduct in eschatological suffering (5:6-11) -- Epistolary closing (5:12-14).
1 Peter.
First Peter
Bible., Peter, 1st-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible., N.T., Peter, 1st - Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible., New Testament., Pierre, 1re-- Critique, interprétation, etc.
Bibel, Petrusbrief, 1.
Bible., Peter, 1st.
Petrusbrief (I.)
11.46 study and interpretation of the New Testament.