Intro; Contents; List of Figures; Preface; Part I; Ch01. Birth and the Florentine Years; Ch02. Coming of Age-Vienna and Joseph II; Ch03. A Brief Transition-Leopold II; Ch04. Accession to Power; Part II; Ch05. The Economics of War and Peace; Ch06. The Habsburg Inheritance; Ch07. The Second Coalition; Ch08. Beethoven, The Third Coalition and The Birth of the Austrian Empire; Ch09. Conservative Reform in the Franciscan Era; Ch10. Wagram; Part III; Ch11. Metternich, Radetzky and the Policy of Collaboration; Ch12. Resurrection; Ch13. Triumph and Redemption; Ch14. Finis Napoleon
Ch15. The Congress of ViennaPart IV; Ch16. After the Congress-Biedermeier Austria; Ch17. Family; Ch18. Francis and the Post War Era; Ch19. Luxury and Austrian Biedermeier Culture; Ch20. Revolution and Reaction; Ch21. Franciscan Twilight; Epilogue; Bibliography; Index; About the Author
A biography of Francis I, the last Holy Roman Emperor and first Emperor of Austria, as well as a history of his times. The first biography in English of this mysterious, complex, and powerful personality whom Metternich and Radetzky called their master.