Introduction : Spenser, Marlowe, Shakespeare : methodological investigations / J.B. Lethbridge -- Beyond binarism : Eros/death and Venus/Mars in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and Spenser's Faerie Queene / Judith H. Anderson -- Spenser and Shakespeare : polarized approaches to psychology, poetics, and patronage / Robert Lanier Reid -- Perdita, Pastorella, and the romance of literary form : Shakespeare's counter-Spenserian authorship / Patrick Cheney -- Pastoral forms and religious reform in Spenser and Shakespeare / Karen Nelson -- Equinoctial boar : Venus and Adonis in Spenser's Garden, Shakespeare's Epyllion, and Richard III's England / Anne Lake Prescott -- Hamlet's debt to Spenser's Mother Hubberds tale : a satire on Robert Cecil? / Rache E. Hile -- Fusion : Spenserian metaphor and Sidnean example in Shakespeare's King Lear / Susan Oldrieve -- What means a knight? Red cross knight and Edgar / Michael L. Hays -- Seven deadly sins and Shakespeare's Jacobean tragedies / Ronald Horton.
Nbl-11 eng.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-298) and index.
Shakespeare, William,1564-1616-- Criticism and interpretation.
Spenser, Edmund / 1552?-1599 / Criticism and interpretation.