Includes bibliographical references (pages 493-509) and index.
The scope of psychology / William James -- Psychology and scientific research / Cantril, Ames, Hastorf, Ittelson -- Understanding ourselves / M. Polanyi -- Sensuous-intellectual complementarity in science / T. Blackburn -- States of consciousness and state-specific sciences / C. Tart -- Bimodal consciousness / A. Deikman -- The split brain in man / M. Gazzaniag -- The other side of the brain: An appositional mind / J. Bogen -- I ching (The book of changes) -- Codifications of reality: Lineal and nonlineal / D. Lee -- But why did they sit on the King's right in the first place / G. Domhoff -- The stream of consciousness / William James -- THe doors of perception / Aldous Huxley -- Experiments in perception / W. Ittelson, F. Kilpartick -- They saw a game: A case study / A. Hastorf, H. Cantril -- The processes of vision / U. Neisser -- Deautomatization and the mystic experience / A. Deikman -- The two types of psychology / L. Govinda -- Zen meditation / P. Kapleau -- "Meditation" or mental culture / W. Rahula -- The Kasina exercises: Dharana / F. Spiegelberg -- The physiology of meditation / R. Wallace, H. Benson -- An electroencephalographic study on the Zen meditation (Zazen) / A. Kasamatsu, T. Hirai -- The Sufis / I. Shah -- Mysteries in the West: Strange rites / I. Shah -- The legend of Nasrudin / I. Shah -- The teaching story: Observations on the folklore of our "modern" thought / I. Shah -- Meditations of Rumi -- The meaning of everything / A. Deikman -- Language, mind, and reality / B. Whorf -- Psychosynthesis: A technique for the use of intuition / R. Assagioli -- Present-centeredness in Gestalt therapy / C. Naranjo -- Learning in the autonomic nervous system / L. DiCara -- Implications of physiological feedback training / R. Ezios . The control of electroencephalographic alpha rhythms through auditory feedback and the associated mental activity / D. Nowlis, J. Kamiya -- Gravity and structural integration / D. Sobel -- Preliminary consideration of the biological significance of air ions / A. Krueger -- Biological rhythms / Gay Luce -- Synchronicity: An acausal connecting principle / Carl G. Jung -- What is important about the paranormal? / L. LeShan -- Preliminary notes on the nature of psi processes / C. Tart.