CSS Master, 2nd edition; Notice of rights; Notice of liability; Trademark notice; About SitePoint; About Tiffany B. Brown; Preface; What's changed in this edition?; Who should read this book?; Conventions used; Code samples; Tips, notes, and warnings; Chapter 1: CSS architecture and organization; File organization; Specificity; Choose low-specificity selectors; Avoid chaining class selectors; Avoid using id selectors; Minimize nesting when using a preprocessor; Use type and attribute selectors with caution; Choosing what to name things; Block-Element-Modifier (BEM); Atomic CSS.
2D transform functions; rotate(); 2D scaling functions: scale, scaleX, and scaleY; 2D translation functions: translateX, translateY, and translate; Skew, skewX, and skewY; Current transform matrix; Matrix multiplication and the matrix functions; 3D transform functions; rotateX() and rotateY(); Rotating around multiple axes with rotate3d(); The perspective() function; Translating depth with translateZ() and translate 3d(); Scaling the z-dimension: scaleZ() and scale3d(); Creating depth with the perspective property; Modifying the point of view with perspective-origin; Preserving three dimensions with transform-style.
Chapter 10: Conclusion; CSS shapes; CSS masking; Scroll snap; Blend modes and CSS filters; How to follow changes and additions to CSS; Tracking browser support; Documenting and tutorials.
CSS supports DOM API; Understanding the cascade for @supports and @media; Conclusion; Chapter 9: Using CSS with SVG; Vector images versus Raster images; associating CSS with SVG documents; Using the style attribute; Embedding CSS in SVG documents; Linking from SVG to an external CSS file; Differences between SVG and HTML; SVG doesn't adhere to the CSS box model; SVG lacks a positioning scheme; Styling SVG elements; Animating and transitioning SVG CSS properties; An animated path future; Using SVG with media queries; Using media queries with background size; Conclusion.
Images within grids; Grid conclusion; Creating flexible layouts with Flexbox; A new media object component; Creating flexible form components with flex; Vertical centering with Flexbox; Creating grid-like layouts with Flexbox; Learning more about Flexbox; Box alignment and distribution; Distributing items in the main dimension with justify-content; Aligning items in the cross dimension with align-content; Aligning items with align-items and align-self; Choosing flex or grid; Conclusion; Chapter 6: Transitions and animations; CSS transitions; Creating your first transition; Using the transition property; Transition durations and delays.
Showing both faces with the backface-visibility property; Conclusion; Chapter 8: Applying CSS conditionally; Media queries and @media; Media query syntax: the basics; Range media feature queries and min- and max- prefixes; Discrete media feature queries; Improving accessibility with prefers-reduced-motion; Nesting @media rules; Working around legacy browser support with only; Negating media queries; Other ways to use media queries; Content-driven media queries; Using media queries with Javascript; Listening for media changes; Testing for property support with @supports.
Subsetting self-hosted fonts with FontTools; Writing modes; What is a writing mode?; Setting the direction of text with the direction property; Using the HTML dir attribute is best; Setting block flow direction with the writing-mode property; Managing typesetting with text-orientation; Writing mode and alignment; Conclusion; Chapter 5: Layouts; Display types and normal flow; Block formatting versus inline formatting; Box dimensions and the box model; Managing box dimensions with box-sizing; Floating elements and normal flow; Clearing floats; Clearfix; Positioning and stacking elements.
The case against atomic CSS; BEM versus atomic CSS; Know when to go your own way; Conclusion; Chapter 2: Debugging and optimization; Browser-based developer tools; Using the styles panel; Debugging responsive layouts; Debugging for UI responsiveness; What are reflows and repaints?; Performance tools; Identifying which lines to remove; Minification; Installing CSSO; Minification with CSSO; Code-quality tools; stylelint; UnCSS; Conclusion; Chapter 3: Custom properties; Defining a custom property; Using custom properties; Setting a fallback value; Custom properties and the cascade.
Timing functions; Transitioning multiple properties; Multiple transitions and transitioned events; CSS animation; Creating your first animation; Animation properties; To loop or not to loop: the animation-direction property; Using percentage keyframes; The animation-fill-mode property; Pausing animations; Detecting when animations start, end, or repeat: A note about accessibility; A note about performance; Conclusion; Chapter 7: Transforms; How transforms affect layout; Transform creates a containing block; Transform creates a new stacking content; Transform creates a local coordinate system.
Using CSS multicolumn layout; Creating layouts with CSS grid; Defining column number and width using columns; Spacing columns with column-gap and column-rule; Images within columns; Making elements span columns; Managing column breaks within elements; Optimizing the user interface; Creating layouts with CSS grid; The grid formatting context; Defining a grid layout; Explicit grid versus implicit grids; Specifying track size for an implicit grid; Creating flexible grids with flex units; Using the grid-template shorthand property; Repeating rows and columns; Line-based grid placement; Using named grid areas; Spacing grid items.
Using custom properties with JavaScript; Custom properties and components; Using custom properties and media queries; Conclusion; Chapter 4: Working with text; Better-looking text with @font-face; Setting an @font-face rule; Using multiple font formats; Fonts and origins; Using multiple font weights and styles; Variable fonts; Incorporating variable fonts; Specifying font weight when using variable fonts; Lower-level font control with font-variation-settings; Strategies for font optimization; Optimizing font file size with unicode-range; How to subset a font; Subsetting using Google fonts.