Brazil's "comfortable racial contradiction" -- "Good" appearances : race, language, and citizenship -- Investing in whiteness: middle-class practices of linguistic discipline -- Fears of racial contact : crime, violence, and the struggle over urban space -- Avoiding blackness : the flip side of boa aparência -- Making the mano : the uncomfortable visibility of blackness in politically conscious Brazilian hip hop -- Conclusion : "seeing" race.
"Based on the spontaneous conversations of shantytown youth hanging out on the streets of their neighborhoods and interviews from the comfortable living rooms of the middle class, Race and the Brazilian Body asks how racial ideas about the superiority of whiteness and the inferiority of blackness continue to play out in the daily lives of Rio de Janeiro's residents. This ethnographic account describes how cariocas (Rio residents) "read" the body for racial signs, looking beyond phenotype to pay careful attention to cultural and linguistic practices, including the use of nonstandard speech commonly described as slang (gíria)"--Provided by publisher.
Race and the Brazilian body.
Blacks-- Language-- Social aspects-- Brazil.
Blacks-- Race identity-- Brazil-- Rio de Janeiro.
Human skin color-- Social aspects-- Brazil-- Rio de Janeiro.