Originally published: New York : Oxford University Press, 1991.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Preface; Contents; 1. Simple Liquids; 1.1 Pair distribution function; 1.2 Dynamic structure factor; 1.3 Theory of condensation; 1.3.1 Yang-Lee theory; 1.3.2 van der Waals equation; 1.4 Scaling and renormalization; 1.4.1 Critical exponents; 1.4.2 Scaled equation of state; 1.4.3 Renormalization group theory; 1.5 Condensed matter under extreme pressure; 1.5.1 Existence of a maximum melting temperature; 1.5.2 Two-dimensional melting; 1.5.3 Computer simulations; 2. Approach to Electron Systems; 2.1 Fermi liquid theory; 2.2 Dielectric function and plasmons.
11.5 Two-dimensional liquid crystals12. Polymers; 12.1 Excluded volume effect; 12.1.1 End-to-end distance; 12.1.2 Analogy with a magnetic system; 12.2 Polymer solutions; 12.2.1 Dilute solutions; 12.2.2 Concentrated solutions; 12.3 Viscosity of chain polymer solutions; 12.3.1 Dilute solutions; 12.3.2 Concentrated solutions and melts; 12.4 Viscosity of rodlike molecules; 12.5 Condensation of a chain polymer; Appendix. Molecular distribution functions; A.1 Graphical method; A.2 Simple and exchange-chain diagrams; A.3 Ladder diagram contribution; A.4 Integral equation approach.
2.3 Long-distance impurity effect in metals2.4 Bloch electrons and magnetic Bloch electrons; 2.5 Hubbard and Anderson models; 3. ELECTRON CORRELATIONS; 3.1 Correlation energy; 3.2 Para- and diamagnetic susceptibilities; 3.3 Specific heat of metals; 3.4 Electron-hole droplets; 3.5 Heavy fermions; 4. Two-Dimensional Electron Systems; 4.1 Realization of two-dimensional electron systems; 4.2 Phase transitions in two-dimensional electron systems; 4.2.1 Valley occupancy phase transition in silicon inversion layers; 4.2.2 Wigner crystallization; 4.3 Effective g-factor.
4.4 Integral quantized Hall effect4.5 Fractional quantized Hall effect; 5. Quasi One-Dimensional Systems; 5.1 Squeezing two-dimensional systems; 5.2 Aharonov-Bohm effect in quasi-one-dimensional systems; 5.3 One-dimensional conductors; 5.4 Bechgaard salts; 5.5 FISDW and FQHE in Bechgaard salts; 6. Hopping and Localization; 6.1 Hopping conduction; 6.2 Scaling theory of Anderson localization; 6.3 Weak localization; 6.4 Negative magnetoresistance; 6.5 Interference effects; 7. Magnetism; 7.1 de Haas-van Alphen effect; 7.1.1 Three dimensions; 7.1.2 Two dimensions; 7.2 Spin glasses.
More than a graduate text and advanced research guide on condensed matter physics, this volume is useful to plasma physicists and polymer chemists, and their students. It emphasizes applications of statistical mechanics to a variety of systems in condensed matter physics rather than theoretical derivations of the principles of statistical mechanics and techniques. Isihara addresses a dozen different subjects in separate chapters, each designed to be directly accessible and used independently of previous chapters. Topics include simple liquids, electron systems and correlations, two-dimensional electron systems, quasi one-dimensional systems, hopping and localization, magnetism, superconductivity, liquid helium, liquid crystals, and polymers. Extensive appendixes offer background on molecular distribution functions, which play important roles in the theoretical derivations.