Preface / Stephen R. Kellert and Judith Heerwagen -- Prologue: In retrospect / Hillary Brown -- Part I. The theory of biophilic design. Dimensions, elements, and attributes of biophilic design / Stephen R. Kellert ; The nature of human nature / Edward O. Wilson ; A good place to settle : biomimicry, biophilia, and the return of nature's inspiration to architecture / Janine Benyus ; Water, biophilic design, and the built environment / Martin L. Mador ; Neuroscience, the natural environment, and building design / Nikos A. Salingaros and Kenneth G. Masden II -- Part II. The science and benefits of biophilic design. Biophilic theory and research for healthcare design / Roger S. Ulrich ; Nature contact and human health : building the evidence base / Howard Frumkin ; Where windows become doors / Vivian Loftness with Megan Snyder ; Restorative environmental design : what, when, where, and for whom? / Terry Hartig, Tina Bringslimark, and Grete Grindal Patil ; Healthy planet, healthy children : designing nature into the daily spaces of childhood / Robin C. Moore and Clare Cooper Marcus ; Children and the success of biophilic design / Richard Louv ; The extinction of natural experience in the built environment / David Orr and Robert Michael Pyle -- Part III. The practice of biophilic design. Biophilia and sensory aesthetics / Judith Heerwagen and Bert Gregory ; Evolving an environmental aesthetic / Stephen Kieran ; The picture window : the problem of viewing nature through glass / Kent Bloomer ; Biophilic architectural space / Grant Hildebrand ; Towards biophilic cities : strategies for integrating nature into urban design / Tim Beatley ; Green urbanism : developing restorative urban biophilia / Jonathan F.P. Rose ; The greening of the brain / Pliny Fisk III ; Bringing buildings to life / Tom Bender ; Biophilia in practice: buildings that connect people with nature / Alex Wilson ; Transforming building practices through biophilic design / Jenifer Seal Cramer and William Dee Browning ; Reflections on implementing biophilic design / Bob Berkebile and Bob Fox, with Alice Hartley.
Biophilic design is a new approach to sustainable development that incorporates the positive experience of nature into the design of the built environment. The definitive guide to this emerging practice of biophilic design, this book contains original and timely contributions from world-renowned scientists, designers, and practitioners on the theory, science, and practice of biophilic design.