Zehn Jahre Forschung zum Thema Platonismus und Kirchenväter -- Irenaeus' relation to philosophy in the light of his concept of free will -- Some observations on Irenaeus' polemics against the Gnostics -- Die "Physische Erlösung" in der Theologie des Irenäus -- God cosmos history. Christian and neo-platonic views on divine revelation -- A discussion on time and eternity -- Athanasius on the Father as the origin of the Son -- The doctrine of the will and of the Trinity in the orations of Gregory of Nazianzus -- Cyril of Alexandria on the platonists and the Trinity -- Some reflections on Cyril of Alexandria's rejection of anthropomorphism -- Wie platonisierten Christen? Zur Grenzziehung zwischen Platonismus, kirchlichem Credo und patristischer Theologie -- What could be the relevance?
God being history.
Christian literature, Early-- History and criticism.
Littérature chrétienne primitive-- Histoire et critique.