Human factors and ergonomics for the Gulf Cooperation Council :
processes, technologies, and practices /
edited by Shatha N. Samman.
Boca Raton, FL :
CRC Press,
1 online resource.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Editor -- Contributors -- Chapter 1: Human Factors and Ergonomics -- Introduction -- Historical Overview -- Professional and Governmental Organizations -- Education and Training in Human Factors and Ergonomics -- Fundamentals -- Methods -- Application -- Education -- Home Health Care -- Future Trends -- Conclusion -- Author Note -- Key Terms -- References -- Additional Recommended Readings -- Case Study -- Chapter 2: Macroergonomics -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Methods -- Macroergonomic Analysis and Design -- Macroergonomic Analysis of Structure -- Functional Resonance Analysis Method -- The Evolute Approach -- Applications -- Construction Industries -- Air Traffic Management System -- Organizational Resources -- Future Trends -- Digitization -- Evolving Work Roles -- System of Systems Perspective -- Conclusions -- Key Terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 3: Human Factors in Safety Management -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Safety Culture -- Safety Leadership -- Non-Technical Skills -- Methods -- Methods of Measuring Safety Culture -- Methods of Measuring Safety Leadership -- Methods of Identifying and Measuring Non-Technical Skills -- Applications -- Safety Culture -- Safety Leadership -- Non-Technical Skills -- Future Trends -- Product Safety Culture -- Managers' Safety Leadership -- Non-Technical Skills and the Safety Management System -- Conclusion -- Key Terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 4: Information and Communication Technologies and Human Interaction -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Matching Human Capabilities with ICT -- Human Information Processing -- Types of Human Error -- ICT Design Process -- Method -- User Needs Assessment -- Cognitive Task Analysis.
Cognitive Work Analysis -- Iterative Evaluation -- Application -- GPS Systems -- Fitness Tracking -- Electronic Finance -- Future Trends -- Emerging Technologies of ICT -- Increasing Information -- Increasing Connectivity -- Increasing Automation -- Conclusion -- Key Terms -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 5: Human Factors in Cyber Security Defense -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Security Analysts: Expertise -- Security Analysts: Situation Awareness -- Teamwork among Security Analysts -- Human Factors Methods -- Cognitive Task Analysis -- Field Experiments -- Laboratory and Online Experiments -- Modeling and Computational Representations of Behavior -- Applications -- Visualization Design -- Decision Support Systems Design -- Future Trends -- Automation of Security Defense -- Cognitive Models of Expert Security Analysts -- Human Factors of Deception in Security Defense -- Conclusions -- Key Terms -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 6: Product Service Systems Innovation and Design -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Method -- Application -- Future Trends -- Conclusion -- Key Terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 7: Environmental Design -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Thermal Environment -- Auditory Environment -- Luminous Environment -- Spatial Environment -- Methods -- Holistic Methodology for the Human-Centered Design of Buildings -- Application -- Workplace -- Smart Homes -- Green Ergonomics -- Future Trends -- Sensory Design Architecture -- Sustainability and Building Design -- Urban Planning -- Conclusions -- Key terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 8: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Physical HFE -- Cognitive HFE -- Systems HFE -- Methods -- Participatory Ergonomics for HFE in Healthcare -- System Mapping Methods -- Application.
Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Vehicle -- Environment -- Task -- Human -- Team Coordination -- Methods -- Task Analysis -- Human Error Analysis and Performance-Shaping Factors -- Risk Assessments -- Applications -- Crew Resource Management -- Spaceflight Mission Operations -- Future Trends -- Aviation "NextGen" -- Spaceflight Human Factors -- Space Tourism -- Conclusions -- Key Terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 12: HFE in the GCC -- Introduction -- HFE's Three Characteristics -- HFE's Socio-Technical System Approach -- Current State: HFE Missed Opportunities in GCC Development -- Limited GCC HFE Professionals -- Adaptability of GCC End-User -- GCC Policy-Makers -- HFE Integration in the GCC -- HFE Thriving Platforms in the GCC -- GCC Children, Youth, and the Aging Population -- GCC Multicultural Communities -- GCC Service and Customer Experience Design -- GCC Health Care Digital Transformation -- GCC Surface Transportation -- Promoting Sustainability in the GCC -- GCC Cybersecurity -- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in the GCC -- GCC Manufacturing and the Fourth Industrial Revolution -- GCC Training with Virtual/Mixed/Augmented Reality -- GCC Space Ambitions -- The Future of HFE in the GCC: Promising Possibilities -- HFE Advocacy -- Universities: HFE Education -- Governments: HFE Support -- Industries: HFE Production -- GCC Society: HFE End-User -- Conclusion -- References -- Case Study -- Index.
Participatory System Design: Integrated Pathway for Safer Medicines Management -- Patient Handling -- Medical Device Design -- Future Trends -- Increasing HFE Knowledge in Health Care -- Increasing Resilience in Health Care Systems -- Medical Device Regulation and Medical Informatics -- Conclusion -- Key Terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 9: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Energy Industries -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Process Control -- Human-Computer Interaction -- Socio-Technical Systems and Integrated Operations in Petroleum -- Methods -- Human Performance and Reliability Analysis -- Verification and Validation -- Methods for Integrated Operations in Petroleum -- Application -- A Tool for Designing Guideline-Compliant Control Rooms -- Safety Review of a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room -- Assessing Manning Level for a New Field (IO MTO) -- Future Trends -- Human as Asset, Not Hazard -- Automation and Human-Robot Collaboration -- Augmented Cognition -- From the Energy Workers to the Energy Consumers -- Conclusion -- Key Terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 10: Surface Transportation -- Introduction -- Fundamentals -- Operator Behavior and Capability -- Individual Difference- Age and Experience -- Gender -- Impaired Driving -- Fatigue -- Distraction -- Driving Under the Influence -- Vision -- Cognition -- Vehicle Design -- Anthropometry -- Human-Machine Interaction -- Road and Infrastructure Design -- Roadway Design -- Traffic Control Devices -- Method -- Simulated Testing -- Field Testing -- Physiological Testing -- Application -- Applications in Vehicle -- Applications in Road Infrastructures -- Applications in Policy Making -- Future Trends -- The Challenge of Autonomous Vehicles -- The Role of Operators -- The Fusion of All -- Conclusion -- Key Terms -- References -- Case Study -- Chapter 11: Aerospace Human Factors.