Machine generated contents note: 1.Drugs and their use in sport -- 1.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram -- 1.2.What is a drug? / David R. Mottram -- 1.3.Why might athletes take drugs? / David R. Mottram -- 1.4.The use of drugs for performance enhancement / David R. Mottram -- 1.5.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 1.6.References / David R. Mottram -- 2.The evolution of doping and anti-doping in sport / David R. Mottram -- 2.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram -- 2.2.The ancient Olympic and Roman Games / David R. Mottram -- 2.3.Nineteenth century / David R. Mottram -- 2.4.Early twentieth century / David R. Mottram -- 2.5.The 1940s and '50s / David R. Mottram -- 2.6.The 1960s / David R. Mottram -- 2.7.The 1970s / David R. Mottram -- 2.8.The 1980s / David R. Mottram -- 2.9.The 1990s / David R. Mottram -- 2.10.2000 to 2010 / David R. Mottram -- 2.11.2011 and onwards / David R. Mottram -- 2.12.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 2.13.References / David R. Mottram
Note continued: 10.7.Growth hormone (GH) / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.8.The abuse of growth hormone in sport / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.9.Growth hormone releasing factors (GHRFs) / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.10.Detection of growth hormone abuse / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.11.Growth factors / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.12.Prevalence of peptide hormone use in sport / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.13.Peptide hormones as potential targets for gene doping / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.14.Summary / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.15.References / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 11.Beta-2 agonists / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 11.1.Introduction / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 11.2.What are beta-2 agonists? / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 11.3.Clinical uses of beta-2 agonists / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram
Note continued: 11.4.The illicit use of beta-2 agonists in sport / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 11.5.Beta-2 agonists and the WADA Prohibited List / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 11.6.Summary / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 11.7.References / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 12.Hormone and metabolic modulators / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 12.1.Introduction / Neil Chester -- 12.2.Hormone and metabolic modulators and the WADA Prohibited List / Neil Chester -- 12.3.Aromatase inhibitors / Neil Chester -- 12.4.Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators / Neil Chester -- 12.5.Other anti-oestrogenic substances / Neil Chester -- 12.6.Agents modifying myostatin function(s) / Neil Chester -- 12.7.Metabolic modulators / Neil Chester -- 12.8.Summary / Neil Chester -- 12.9.References / Neil Chester -- 13.Diuretics and masking agents / Neil Chester -- 13.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram -- 13.2.What are diuretics? / David R. Mottram
Note continued: 13.3.Action and use of diuretics in sport / David R. Mottram -- 13.4.Action and uses of masking agents in sport / David R. Mottram -- 13.5.History of diuretics and masking agents in sport / David R. Mottram -- 13.6.WADA classification of diuretics and masking agents / David R. Mottram -- 13.7.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 13.8.References / David R. Mottram -- 14.Manipulation of blood and blood components / David R. Mottram -- 14.1.Introduction / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 14.2.Blood transfusions / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 14.3.Erythropoiesis stimulating agents / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 14.4.New developments in erythropoietic drugs / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 14.5.Blood substitutes / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 14.6.Summary / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 14.7.References / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 15.Chemical and physical manipulation / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 15.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram
Note continued: 15.2.Current (2017) WADA regulations with respect to chemical and physical manipulation / David R. Mottram -- 15.3.Prevalence of chemical and physical manipulation in sport / David R. Mottram -- 15.4.Institutionalised manipulation of the doping control process / David R. Mottram -- 15.5.Techniques for identifying chemical and physical manipulation / David R. Mottram -- 15.6.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 15.7.References / David R. Mottram -- 16.Gene doping / David R. Mottram -- 16.1.Introduction / Dominic J. Wells -- 16.2.What is gene doping? / Dominic J. Wells -- 16.3.Clinical uses of gene therapy / Dominic J. Wells -- 16.4.History of gene doping in sport / Dominic J. Wells -- 16.5.Action and use of gene doping in sport / Dominic J. Wells -- 16.6.Gene doping and the WADA Prohibited List / Dominic J. Wells -- 16.7.Summary / Dominic J. Wells -- 16.8.References / Dominic J. Wells -- 17.Stimulants / Dominic J. Wells -- 17.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram
Note continued: 17.2.Types of stimulants and their modes of action / David R. Mottram -- 17.3.The use of stimulants in sport / David R. Mottram -- 17.4.Stimulants and the WADA Prohibited List / David R. Mottram -- 17.5.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 17.6.References / David R. Mottram -- 18.Narcotics / David R. Mottram -- 18.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram -- 18.2.What are narcotics? / David R. Mottram -- 18.3.Clinical uses of narcotic analgesics / David R. Mottram -- 18.4.The history of narcotics in sport / David R. Mottram -- 18.5.The action and use of narcotics in sport / David R. Mottram -- 18.6.Narcotics and the WADA Prohibited List / David R. Mottram -- 18.7.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 18.8.References / David R. Mottram -- 19.Cannabinoids / David R. Mottram -- 19.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram -- 19.2.What are cannabinoids? / David R. Mottram -- 19.3.History of cannabis in sport / David R. Mottram -- 19.4.Cannabinoids in sport / David R. Mottram
Note continued: 19.5.Cannabinoids and the WADA Prohibited List / David R. Mottram -- 19.6.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 19.7.References / David R. Mottram -- 20.Glucocorticoids / David R. Mottram -- 20.1.Introduction / Nick Wojek -- 20.2.Clinical uses, side effects and mode of action / Nick Wojek -- 20.3.Physiological and pharmacological effects / Nick Wojek -- 20.4.Anti-doping regulations / Nick Wojek -- 20.5.Summary / Nick Wojek -- 20.6.References / Nick Wojek -- 21.Alcohol / Nick Wojek -- 21.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram -- 21.2.Mode of action of alcohol / David R. Mottram -- 21.3.Adverse effects of alcohol / David R. Mottram -- 21.4.Alcohol use in sport / David R. Mottram -- 21.5.Alcohol and the WADA Prohibited List / David R. Mottram -- 21.6.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 21.7.References / David R. Mottram -- 22.Beta blockers / David R. Mottram -- 22.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram -- 22.2.What are beta blockers? / David R. Mottram
Note continued: 22.3.Clinical uses of beta blockers / David R. Mottram -- 22.4.History of beta blockers in sport / David R. Mottram -- 22.5.The action and use of beta blockers in sport / David R. Mottram -- 22.6.Beta blockers and the WADA Prohibited List / David R. Mottram -- 22.7.Summary / David R. Mottram -- 22.8.References / David R. Mottram -- 23.Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs / David R. Mottram -- 23.1.Introduction / Nick Wojek -- 23.2.What are NSAIDs? / Nick Wojek -- 23.3.Clinical uses and efficacy / Nick Wojek -- 23.4.Adverse effects / Nick Wojek -- 23.5.Prevalence of use and ethical issues of NSAID use within sport / Nick Wojek -- 23.6.Summary / Nick Wojek -- 23.7.References / Nick Wojek -- 24.Sports supplements and herbal preparations / Nick Wojek -- 24.1.Introduction / Neil Chester -- 24.2.What are sports supplements? / Neil Chester -- 24.3.Why do athletes use supplements? / Neil Chester -- 24.4.The prevalence of supplement use / Neil Chester
Note continued: 24.5.The risks associated with supplement use / Neil Chester -- 24.6.Herbal supplementation / Neil Chester -- 24.7.Anti-doping violations involving the use of sports supplements / Neil Chester -- 24.8.Safeguarding athletes against inadvertent doping through supplement use / Neil Chester -- 24.9.Summary / Neil Chester -- 24.10.References / Neil Chester -- 25.Caffeine / Neil Chester -- 25.1.Introduction / Neil Chester -- 25.2.Pharmacology / Neil Chester -- 25.3.Mechanisms of action / Neil Chester -- 25.4.Performance-enhancing properties / Neil Chester -- 25.5.Caffeine combinations / Neil Chester -- 25.6.Therapeutic actions / Neil Chester -- 25.7.Adverse side effects / Neil Chester -- 25.8.Caffeine use and WADA regulations / Neil Chester -- 25.9.Summary / Neil Chester -- 25.10.References / Neil Chester -- 26.Drug use in society and the impact on the anti-doping movement / Neil Chester -- 26.1.Introduction / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh
Note continued: 26.2.Recreational psychoactive drug use / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 26.3.Performance-and image-enhancing drug use / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 26.4.Performance-enhancing drug use in recreational/non-elite athletic groups / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 26.5.Human enhancement technology / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 26.6.The normalisation of drug use in society and the impact on the anti-doping movement / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 26.7.Summary / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 26.8.References / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 27.Governance and corruption in sport with respect to doping / Neil Chester / Jim McVeigh -- 27.1.Introduction / Neil King -- 27.2.The evolution of anti-doping policy: an overview / Neil King -- 27.3.The anti-doping governance infrastructure / Neil King -- 27.4.Case study: doping in Russia and the McLaren reports / Neil King -- 27.5.Building an effective governance infrastructure and anti-doping policy / Neil King
Note continued: 27.6.Discussion: at a crossroads-doping as a test case for sport governance / Neil King -- 27.7.Summary / Neil King -- 27.8.References / Neil King.
Note continued: 3.Prevalence of doping in sport / David R. Mottram -- 3.1.Introduction / Susan H. Backhouse / Kelsey Erickson -- 3.2.WADA-accredited laboratory anti-doping testing figures / Susan H. Backhouse / Kelsey Erickson -- 3.3.Indirect estimates of doping prevalence / Susan H. Backhouse / Kelsey Erickson -- 3.4.Summary / Susan H. Backhouse / Kelsey Erickson -- 3.5.References / Susan H. Backhouse / Kelsey Erickson -- 4.Regulation of anti-doping in sport: international and national operational frameworks / Susan H. Backhouse / Kelsey Erickson -- 4.1.Introduction / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.2.Why regulate drug use in sport? / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.3.The history of the anti-doping movement / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.4.Anti-doping structure / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.5.The World Anti-Doping Agency / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.6.The UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester
Note continued: 4.7.The World Anti-Doping Code / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.8.Court of Arbitration for Sport / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.9.Summary / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 4.10.References / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 5.Doping control in sport / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 5.1.Introduction / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek / Neil Chester -- 5.2.Analytical investigations / Neil Chester / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek -- 5.3.Athlete Biological Passport / Neil Chester / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek -- 5.4.Non-analytical investigations / Neil Chester / Nick Wojek / Yorck Olaf Schumacher -- 5.5.Sanctions / Neil Chester / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek -- 5.6.Education / Neil Chester / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek -- 5.7.Summary / Neil Chester / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek -- 5.8.References / Neil Chester / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek
Note continued: 6.Inadvertent use of prohibited substances in sport / Neil Chester / Yorck Olaf Schumacher / Nick Wojek -- 6.1.Introduction / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 6.2.Why athletes may take prohibited substances inadvertently / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 6.3.Risk levels for inadvertent prohibited substance use in sport / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 6.4.WADA rules and regulations regarding inadvertent use of prohibited substances / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 6.5.The role of Athlete Support Personnel in preventing deliberate and inadvertent use of prohibited substances / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 6.6.Summary / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 6.7.References / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 7.The role of Athlete Support Personnel in drug use in sport / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram -- 7.1.Introduction / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart
Note continued: 7.2.Athlete Support Personnel / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart -- 7.3.Medical support personnel and athlete therapy / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart -- 7.4.The World Anti-Doping Code and Athlete Support Personnel / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart -- 7.5.Education and support for Athlete Support Personnel / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart -- 7.6.Summary / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart -- 7.7.References / Neil Chester / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart -- 8.Medical and pharmacy services for international games / David R. Mottram / Mark Stuart / Neil Chester -- 8.1.Introduction / Mark Stuart -- 8.2.Medical services at sporting venues / Mark Stuart -- 8.3.The games polyclinic / Mark Stuart -- 8.4.Polyclinic services / Mark Stuart -- 8.5.Role of healthcare professionals in anti-doping / Mark Stuart -- 8.6.Medical workforce and training / Mark Stuart
Note continued: 8.7.Drug administration to athletes / Mark Stuart -- 8.8.Prescribing prohibited substances to athletes / Mark Stuart -- 8.9.Medicines governance / Mark Stuart -- 8.10.Selection of medicines for athlete treatment at games / Mark Stuart -- 8.11.Patterns of drug use / Mark Stuart -- 8.12.Importation of drugs for team use / Mark Stuart -- 8.13.Anti-doping support for local healthcare services / Mark Stuart -- 8.14.Summary / Mark Stuart -- 8.15.Bibliography / Mark Stuart -- 9.Anabolic agents / Mark Stuart -- 9.1.Introduction / Neil Chester -- 9.2.Anabolic androgenic steroids / Neil Chester -- 9.3.Pharmacology of anabolic androgenic steroids / Neil Chester -- 9.4.Clinical uses of anabolic androgenic steroids / Neil Chester -- 9.5.Anabolic androgenic steroids as performance-and image-enhancing agents / Neil Chester -- 9.6.Adverse effects following anabolic androgenic steroid use / Neil Chester -- 9.7.Use of anabolic androgenic steroids in sport / Neil Chester
Note continued: 9.8.Prevalence of anabolic androgenic steroid use / Neil Chester -- 9.9.Designer steroids / Neil Chester -- 9.10.Prohormones / Neil Chester -- 9.11.Detection of anabolic androgenic steroids / Neil Chester -- 9.12.Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators / Neil Chester -- 9.13.Beta-2 agonists / Neil Chester -- 9.14.Tibolone / Neil Chester -- 9.15.Summary / Neil Chester -- 9.16.References / Neil Chester -- 10.Peptide hormones, growth factors and related substances / Neil Chester -- 10.1.Introduction / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.2.Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.3.Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) stabilizers / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.4.Chorionic gonaclotrophin (CG) / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.5.Luteinizing hormone (LH) and its use in sport / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester -- 10.6.Corticotrophins / David R. Mottram / Neil Chester