Preface to the English Translation; Part One: The Tradition of the Critique of Religion; Introduction; I. The Tradition of the Critique of Religion; II. Uriel da Costa; III. Issac de la Peyrère; IV. Thomas Hobbes; Part Two: Spinoza's Critique of Religion; Introduction; V. The Critique of Orthodoxy; VI. The Critique of Maimonides; VII. The Critique of Calvin; VIII. The Analysis of Revealed Religion; IX. The State and the Social Function of Religion; X. Spinoza's Conception of the Bible and Bible Science ; Notes; Appendix
Leo Strauss articulates the conflict between reason and revelation as he explores Spinoza's scientific, comparative, and textual treatment of the Bible. Strauss compares Spinoza's Theologico-political Treatise and the Epistles, showing their relation to critical controversy on religion from Epicurus and Lucretius through Uriel da Costa and Isaac Peyrere to Thomas Hobbes.Strauss's autobiographical Preface, traces his dilemmas as a young liberal intellectual in Germany during the Weimar Republic, as a scholar in exile, and as a leader of American philosophical thought.""[For] those interested in.
Spinoza's critique of religion.
Religionskritik Spinozas als Grundlage seiner Bibelwissenschaft.
Spinoza, Benedictus de,1632-1677., Tractatus theologico-politicus.
Tractatus theologico-politicus (Spinoza, Benedictus de)