Includes bibliographical references (pages 471-533) and index.
Peter's pans : eating in the diaspora -- Ellison's "usable past" : toward a theory of myth -- Formalism comes to Harlem -- A hateful passion, a lost love : three women's fiction -- Gwendolyn the terrible : propositions on eleven poems -- "An order of constancy" : notes on Brooks and the feminine -- Interstices : a small drama of words -- Changing the letter : the yokes, the jokes of discourse, or, Mrs. Stowe, Mr. Reed -- Mama's baby, papa's maybe : an American grammar book -- "The permanent obliquity of an in(pha)llibly straight" : in the time of the daughters and the fathers -- Moving on down the line : variations on the African-American sermon -- Black, white, and in color, or learning how to paint : toward an intramural protocol of reading -- Notes on an alternative model--neither/nor -- Who cuts the border? : some readings on America -- Faulkner adds up : reading Absalom, Absalom! and The sound and the fury -- "All the things you could be by now, if Sigmund Freud's wife was your mother" : psychoanalysis and race -- The crisis of the Negro intellectual : a post-date.