Text rearranged by the editor from an abridged ed.
The actual entity -- Prehensions -- Satisfaction, superject, and objective immortality -- The ontological principle -- The formative elements -- Eternal objects -- God -- Creativity -- The phasis of concrescence -- Phase I: conformal feelings -- Phase II: conceptual feelings -- Phase III: simple comparative feelings -- Phase IV: complex comparative feelings -- Satisfaction -- Nexus and the macrocosmic -- Transmutation -- Nexus and order -- Psychological physiology -- Perception -- Causal efficacy -- Presentational immediacy -- Symbolic reference -- Perception, causation, and Whitehead's rebuttal of Hume -- Whitehead and other philosophers -- Descartes (and Hume) -- Locke (and Hume) -- Kant -- Newton -- Newton and Plato -- Modern science -- God and the world -- The ideal opposites -- Appendix. In defense of speculative philosophy.
Process and reality.
Whitehead, Alfred North,1861-1947., Process and reality.
Whitehead, Alfred North,1861-1947.
Whitehead, Alfred North,1861-1947., Process and reality.