Interpersonal communication and human relationships /
Mark L. Knapp, University of Texas at Austin, Anita L. Vangelisti, University of Texas at Austin, John P. Caughlin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
pt. 1. Human communication in developing relationships. Communication: the lifeblood of relationships -- Stages of coming together and coming apart -- pt. 2. Factors affecting human communication behavior in relationships. The nature of the communicators -- The communication environment: cultural and physical -- pt. 3. Interaction patterns for coming together. The genesis of dialogue -- Interaction rituals -- The foundations of intimate dialogue -- pt. 4. Interaction patterns and the maintenance of relationships. Maintaining relationshps through dialogue: disclosures, lies, and fights -- Maintaining relationships through dialogue: commitment and intimacy -- pt. 5. Interaction patterns for coming apart. Communication and the process of relationship disengagement -- The dialogue of distance and de-escalation -- pt. 6. Toward more effective communication in relationships. Evaluating and developing effective communication in relationships.