Includes bibliographical references (pages 295-314).
New direction or ancient drift in the ethical guidance of morality? -- Where do we go for the source of moral values? -- Must natural selection have its ultimate action among groups, not individuals? -- What has group competition to do with ethics, morality, and progress? -- Can we quantify "relative survival" and employ the evidence in evaluating and evolving higher morality? -- What are the properties of biological and cultural evolution, and how do they interact? -- How are interindividual ethics and selection to be adapted to intergroup selection for survival? -- The six targets of ethical responsibility : what lies beyond within groups and world values? -- How benign is nature, and how does this affect the emotional roots of beyondist ethics? -- How can the verdicts of probable relative survival of groups be reached? -- How must society handle individuality, counter cultures, evolution, and revolution? -- Culturo-genetic disparities: what can be done with genetic and cultural lag? -- What parallelisms and differences exist between the emotional life of beyondism and the revealed religions? -- What are the created spiritual values of beyondism? -- What are the implications for genetic social policies I : as to goals? -- What are beyondism's implications for genetic social action II : as to mechanisms? -- What are beyondism's implications for cultural aims I : as general goals? -- What are beyondism's cultural implications II : regarding political, economic and other steps? -- How must beyondism organize? -- A concise beyondist catechism.
How to derive moral values from scientific principles. Examines the limites of social responsibility andthe implications of genetic social policies.