Preceded by Pathophysiology / Lee-Ellen C. Copstead, Jacquelyn L. Banasik. c2013.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction to pathophysiology -- Homeostasis, allostasis, and adaptive responses to stressors -- Cell structure and function -- Cell injury, aging, and death -- Genome structure, regulation, and tissue differentiation -- Genetic and developmental disorders -- Neoplasia -- Infectious processes -- Inflammation and immunity -- Alterations in immune function -- Malignant disorders of white blood cells -- HIV disease and AIDS -- Alterations in oxygen transport -- Alterations in hemostasis and blood coagulation -- Alterations in blood flow -- Alterations in blood pressure -- Cardiac function -- Alterations in cardiac function -- Heart failure and dysrhythmias : common sequelae of cardiac diseases -- Shock -- Respiratory function and alterations in gas exchange -- Obstructive pulmonary disorders -- Restrictive pulmonary disorders -- Fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and imbalances -- Acid-base homeostasis and imbalances -- Renal function -- Intrarenal disorders -- Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease -- Disorders of the lower urinary tract -- Male genital and reproductive function -- Alterations in male genital and reproductive function -- Female genital and reproductive function -- Alterations in female genital and reproductive function -- Sexually transmitted infections -- Gastrointestinal function -- Gastrointestinal disorders -- Alterations in function of the gallbladder and exocrine pancreas -- Liver diseases -- Endocrine physiology and mechanisms of hypothalamic-pituitary regulation -- Disorders of endocrine function -- Diabetes mellitus -- Nutritional and metabolic disorders -- Structure and function of the nervous system -- Acute disorders of brain function -- Chronic disorders of neurologic function -- Alterations in special sensory function -- Pain -- Neurobiology of psychotic illnesses -- Neurobiology of nonpsychotic illnesses -- Structure and function of the musculoskeletal system -- Alterations in musculoskeletal function : trauma, infection, and disease -- Alterations in musculoskeletal function : rheumatic disorders -- Alterations in the integumentary system -- Burn injuries.