Hoffman and Abeloff's Hematology-Oncology Review E-Book /
Claudine Isaacs, Michael Atkins, Bruce Cheson, Alice Ma, John Marshall, Naiyer Rizvi.
1 online resource (500 pages)
Breast cancer a: Early Stage Breast Cancer b: Metastatic breast cancer e. Premalignant breast conditions and in situ disease 15. Lung Cancer a: Non-small cell lung cancer b: Small cell lung cancer 16. Other Thoracic Malignancies a: Mesothelioma b: Thymoma and thymic cancer 17. Head and Neck cancer 18 : Esophageal Cancer 19: Gastric cancer 20: Pancreatic cancer 21: Colorectal cancer and Anal Cancer 22: Hepatobiliary cancer 23: Neuroendocrine, small bowel and appendiceal malignancies 24. Prostate cancer 25. Bladder and other urothelial cancers 26. Renal Carcinomas 27. Germ cell tumors 28. Gynecological Malignancies Ovarian Cancer and Fallopian Tube Cancer Cancer of the Cervix, Uterus, Vagina, Vulva and Gestational Choriocarcinoma 29.