Tourism innovation: the role of technology, sustainability and creativity / Vanessa Ratten, Vitor Braga, Jose Alvarez Garcia and Maria de la Cruz del Rio-Rama -- Pro-environmental culture and behavior to promote sustainable golf courses: the case of "La Galiana" / Gema Albort-Morant and Antonio Luis Leal-Rodriguez -- Challenges and dilemmas of tourist studies for the 21st century: is tourism in bias of disappearance? / Seraphin Hugues and Maximiliano Korstanje -- Understand the role of heritage tourist experience: a netnographic research in Italy / Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini, Giacomo Marzi, LambertoZollo and Vanessa Ratten -- Management of tourism innovation, music and nightlife: case study / Jose Ramon Cardona, Maria del Carmen Azpelicueta-Criado, Maria Abril-Sellares and Maria Dolores Sanchez-Fernandez -- Employees social capital, self-efficacy and turnover intention: a study in the context of tourism and hospitality / Dung Hoang, Masoud Karami and Sam Spector -- Sustainability and tourism. cluster analysis on the effectiveness of the porter hypothesis in the European aeronautical sector / Esteban Perez-Calderon, Maria Pache-Duran and Alicia Galindo-Manrique -- Tourism in low density areas: a review of coastal and rural development practices / Dina Ramos, Carlos Costa and Filipe Teles -- Visiting gardens in Portugal: profiling the historic gardens visit and visitors / Susana Silva and Paulo Carvalho -- Residents' perception of the impact of and support for three small and medium-scale sporting events as the basis for a tourism strategy / David Parra, Juan M. Núñez-Pomar, Ferrán Calabuig and Paloma Escamilla-Fajardo -- Future trends in tourism innovation / Vanessa Ratten, Vitor Braga, Jose Alvarez Garcia and Maria de la Cruz del Rio-Rama
"Tourism can take many different forms and types but increasingly it is viewed as one of the most innovative industries. This book showcases the innovations in tourism through a creativity, sustainability and technology perspective. Tourism Innovation: Technology, Sustainability and Creativity addresses the growing use and importance of tourism innovation in society. Readers of this book will gain a global perspective on how the tourism industry is changing and taking advantage of emerging technologies, which will help them to foresee potential changes in the industry and plan for the future. Tourism innovation is defined as innovating in a cost-efficient manner by taking into account the available resources. Most of the focus on tourism innovation has been on developing countries but it is also used by companies in other locations. This book explores the way in which tourism innovation differs from other types of innovation and offers a creative solution to issues about sustainability and the circular economy. In this vein, it includes chapters addressing issues related to the following but not limited subjects: co-creation in innovation, social issues in innovation, leadership and innovation, forms of innovation, government innovation and innovation research. This book is suitable for tourism industry professionals, researchers and policy experts who are interested in how innovation is embedded in the tourism industry"--