pt. 1. Survey of basic concepts -- Melodic diminutions -- Voice leading: counterpoint and figured bass -- Compound melody -- Linear intervallic patterns -- Harmonic relations -- Some common secondary structural features -- pt. 2. Reductions of small to moderate dimension -- Basic axioms -- The concept of prolongation -- Prolongation of the primary tone: initial ascent -- Prolongation of the primary tone: arpeggiation -- Introduction to musical form -- Fundamental structure in complete units -- The harmonized chorale -- Elaborated chorales: instrumental preludes and studies -- Musical form and fundamental structure: "one-part" forms -- Musical form and fundamental structure: two-part forms -- Musical form and fundamental structure: three-part forms -- Register transfer and displacement -- pt. 3. Reductions of larger dimension -- Review and refinement: structural levels and linear progressions -- Review and refinement: unfolding, register, transfer, overlapping, motivic structures -- Sonata form and structural levels -- Variation form and structural levels -- Structural levels in compound and rondo forms.