1. A Scenic Tour of the User's Environment -- 2. Orientation to the Mac OS 8 Platform -- 3. Address Spaces and Memory Protection -- 4. The Architecture of the Multitasking Mac -- 5. Multithreaded Programs -- 6. The Virtual Memory System -- 7. Dynamic Storage Allocation -- 8. The Run-Time Environment -- 9. Software Extensibility -- 10. Files and File System Navigation -- 11. Architecture of the I/O System -- 12. Human Interface Toolbox -- 13. Assistance Services -- 14. Events -- 15. Landmark Imaging and Multimedia Technologies -- 16. Landmark Networking Technologies.
System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Macintosh computer with 68040 processor or faster; CD-ROM drive; System 7.5 or later; 2 MB of free RAM (5 MB required to view the electronic version of the book).