Includes bibliographical references (pages 517-596) and indexes.
Simple heuristics : the foundations of adaptive social behavior / Ralph Hertwig, Ulrich Hoffrage -- Simple heuristics in a social game / Ralph Hertwig, Urs Fischbacher, Adrian Bruhin -- Trust-your-doctor : a simple heuristic in need of a proper social environment / Odette Wegwarth, Gerd Gigerenzer -- Probabilistic persuasion : a Brunswikian theory of argumentation / Torsten Reimer, Ralph Hertwig, Sanja Sipek -- Cooperation with equals : a simple heuristic for social exchange / Tim Johnson, Oleg Smirnov -- The is and ought of sharing : the equality heuristic across the lifespan / Monika Keller [and others] -- When will we meet again? : Regularities of social connectivity and their reflections in memory and decision making / Thorsten Pachur, Lael J. Schooler, Jeffrey R. Stevens -- Fast acceptance by common experience : augmenting Schelling's neighborhood segregation model with FACE-recognition / Nathan Berg, Katarzyna Abramczuk, Ulrich Hoffrage -- The mind as an intuitive pollster : frugal search in social spaces / Thorsten Pachur, Ralph Hertwig, Jorg Rieskamp -- The "less-is-more" effect in group decision making / Shengua Luan, Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos, Torsten Reimer -- Simple heuristics and information sharing in groups / Torsten Reimer, Ulrich Hoffrage -- Social learning : a route to good cue orders / Rocio Garcia-Retamero [and others] -- The advice of others : when and how we benefit from it / Guido Biele, Jorg Rieskamp -- The evolutionary rationality of social learning / Richard McElreath, Annika Wallin, Barbara Fasolo -- The lives of others : social rationality in animals / Jeffrey R. Stevens, Andrew J. King -- The heart has its reasons : social rationality in mate choice / Alison P. Lenton [and others] -- Can simple heuristics explain moral inconsistencies? / Nadine Fleischhut, Gerd Gigerenzer -- Why simple heuristics make life both easier and harder : a social-psychological perspective / Klaus Fiedler, Michaela Wanke.