Diogenes Laertius ; translated by Pamela Mensch ; edited by James Miller ; consulting editors, James Allen [and 6 others].
New York, NY :
Oxford University Press,
xix, 676 pages :
illustrations, maps ;
25 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Book 1 : Prologue; Thales, Solon, Chilon, Pittacus, Bias, Cleobulus, Periander, Anacharsis, Myson, Epimenides, Pherecydes -- Book 2 : Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Archelaus, Socrates, Xenophon, Aeschines, Aristippus, Phaedo, Euclides, Stilpo, Crito, Simon, Glaucon, Simmias, Cebes, Menedemus -- Book 3 : Plato -- Book 4 : Speusippus, Xenocrates, Polemon, Crates, Crantor, Arcesilaus, Bion, Lacydes, Carneades, Clitomachus -- Book 5 : Aristotle, Theophrastus, Strato, Lyco, Demetrius, Heraclides -- Book 6 : Antisthenes, Diogenes, Monimus, Onesicritus, Crates, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus, Menedemus -- Book 7 : Zeno, Ariston, Herillus, Dionysius, Cleanthes, Sphaerus, Chrysippus -- Book 8 : Pythagoras, Empedocles, Epicharmus, Archytas, Alcmeon, Hippasus, Philolaus, Eudoxus -- Book 9 : Heraclitus, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Melissus, Zeno, Leucippus, Democritus, Protagoras, Diogenes, Anaxarchus, Pyrrho, Timon -- Book 10 : Epicurus -- Diogenes Laertius : from inspiration to annoyance (and back) / Anthony Grafton -- Raphael's eminent philosophers : the School of Athens and the classic work almost no one read / Ingrid D. Rowland -- Diogenes' Epigrams / Kathryn Gutzwiller -- Corporeal humor in Diogenes Laertius / James Romm -- Philosophers and politics in Diogenes Laertius / Malcolm Schofield -- Diogenes Laertius and philosophical lives in antiquity / Giuseppe Cambiano -- "A la recherche du texte Perdu" : the manuscript tradition of Diogenes Laertius' Lives of the Eminent Philosophers / Tiziano Dorandi -- Diogenes Laertius in Byzantium / Tiziano Dorandi -- Diogenes Laertius in Latin / Tiziano Dorandi -- Diogenes Laertius and the pre-Socratics / André Laks -- Plato's doctrines in Diogenes Laertius / John Dillon -- Cynicism : ancient and modern / R. Bracht Branham -- Zeno of Citium : Cynic founder of the Stoic tradition / A.A. Long -- Skeptics in Diogenes Laertius / James Allen -- Epicurus in Diogenes Laertius / James Allen -- Diogenes Laertius and Nietzsche / Glenn W. Most -- Guide to further reading / Jay R. Elliott -- Glossary of ancient sources / Joseph M. Lemelin.
The translation is based on the most authoritative edition of the Greek text. 'Lives of the Eminent Philosophers' is a crucial source for much of what we know about the origins of philosophy in ancient Greece. Accompanied by dozens of artworks and newly commissioned essays that shed light on Diogenes' context and influence, this new, complete translation provides a revealing glimpse into the philosophers of Plato's Academy, Aristotle's Lyceum, and Epicurus' Garden.
Lives, teachings, and sayings of famous philosophers.
Diogenes Laertius.
Diogenes Laertius.
Philosophers, Ancient, Biography.
Philosophy, Ancient.
HISTORY-- Ancient-- Greece.
Philosophers, Ancient.
PHILOSOPHY-- History & Surveys-- Ancient & Classical.