1. Laying the groundwork -- 2. Getting started at the beginning: thinking of policy analysis as problem analysis -- 3. Taking the first step: define the problem -- 4. Make the case by assembling the evidence -- 5. Establish your driving values -- 6. Develop alternatives -- 7. Weigh the options: evaluating alternatives -- 8. Make recommendations -- 9. Persuade your audience -- 10. Implement the solution -- 11. Monitor outputs -- 12. Evaluate outcomes -- 13. Concluding remarks.
Methodological in focus and educational ni context, Policy Analysis for Educational Leaders: A Step-by-Step Approach presents a guide to the study of educational policy analysis. This text not only discusses and evaluates existing educational policy and relevant literature, but also offers a walkthrough that leads readers through the stages of successful policy analysis while providing the background and foundational knowledge that educational administrators need to understand and implement. This text offers instruction for aspiring school leaders not only on how to understand and study educational policy, but also on how to do it themselves. Educational, practical, and student-focused, Policy Analysis for Educational Leaders: A Step-by-Step Approach meets the needs of aspiring and practicing educational administrators and policy leaders. The reliance on a step-by-step method to policy analysis is accompanied by relevant educational vignettes, case studies, and current news stories that inspire critical analysis of existing educational policies. Each chapter also includes additional helpful organizers such as Chapter Objectives, Focus Questions, Suggested Resources and chapter-by-chapter Annotated Bibliographies that synthesize applicable print and web resources to help to inspire further research and continued education. A foundational resource for students of policy analysis and acting educational leaders, this book will find a unique place within the libraries of policymakers and administrators for years to come. -- from back cover.
Education and state-- United States-- Evaluation, Textbooks.
Educational leadership-- Study and teaching-- United States, Textbooks.