F. Ellen Netting, Virginia Commonwealth University, Peter M. Kettner, Arizona State University, Steven L. McMurtry, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, M. Lori Thomas, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Revised edition of Social work macro practice, 2012.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 383-397) and index.
Preface -- An introduction to macro practice in social work -- The historical roots of macro practice -- Engaging with diverse populations -- Assessing community and organizational problems -- Understanding communities -- Assessing communities -- Understanding organization -- Assessing human service organizations -- Building support for the proposed change -- Selecting appropriate strategies and tactics -- Planning and implementing the intervention -- Monitoring and evaluating the intervention -- References -- Photo credits -- Index.
This book approaches the field of social work recognizing that all social workers must be able to engage, assess, and intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. It focuses on enabling social work practitioners to undertake whatever types of macro-level interventions are needed in an informed, analytical manner, confident that they can do a competent job and achieve positive results. This edition incorporates material on international/global content, pays special attention to the use of technology, and reinforces the role of advocacy in all aspects of social work practice.