Pearson communication sciences and disorders series
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Part one: Aspects of normal language and communication. Language and human communication: an overview -- Normal language development: a review -- Part two: Children with language disorders. Toddlers and preschoolers with specific language impairment -- Language and school-age children with learning disabilities / Geraldine P. Wallach -- Adolescents with language impairment -- Language and children with intellectual disabilities / Stacey L. Pavelko -- Language and children with autism spectrum disorder / Marsha Longerbeam, Jeff Sigafoos -- Language and children with auditory impairments / Mona R. Griffer -- Language and linguistically-culturally diverse children / Li-Rong Lilly Cheng -- Children with acquired language disorders / Cyntha R. O'Donoghue, Sarah E. Hegyi -- Language and other special populations of children / Mona R. Griffer, Vijayachandra Ramachandra -- Part three: Language intervention. Language and augmentative and alternative communications / Susan Balandin, Kathe L. Anderson -- Assessment -- Considerations for language intervention.