PART ONE: The theory of intersectional analysis -- Introduction
PART THREE: The methodology of intersectional analysis: Quantitative studies with four locations: Separate group analysis -- Quantitative studies with four locations: Interaction analysis -- Quantitative studies with four locations: Interactions combined with separate group analysis -- Quantitative studies with eight or more locations: Separate group analysis -- Quantitative studies with six or more locations: Interaction analysis -- Quantitative studies using separate group analysis with t-Tests -- Notes on teaching RGC Methodology to undergraduates.
PART TWO: The methadology of intersectional analysis: Qualitative approaches -- Introduction -- The saturated model -- Intersectional analysis with four social locations -- Intersectional analysis with two social locations -- Intersectional analysis in historical studies
"For the junior/senior level course in Race, Class and Gender in sociology, women's studies, and race/ethnic studies departments. This edited volume provides race, class, gender theory and detailed guidelines, strategies, and rules for the methodology of the Race, Class and Gender approach. It uses Intersection Theory to expose students to articles that employ the Race, Class, Gender approach."--Publisher's website.
Discrimination-- Study and teaching (Higher)-- United States.
Homosexuality-- Study and teaching (Higher)-- United States.
Sex role-- Study and teaching (Higher)-- United States.
Social classes-- Study and teaching (Higher)-- United States.
classe sociale-- race-- sexe (genre)-- différence-- Etats-Unis.
classe sociale-- relations raciales-- sexe (genre)-- Etats-Unis.
Race relations-- Study and teaching (Higher)
Sex role-- Study and teaching (Higher)
Social classes-- Study and teaching (Higher)
Social conditions.
United States, Race relations, Study and teaching (Higher)