Why do we have global warming? -- The Paris Agreement-Implications for greenhouse gas removal and zero emissions energy production -- Current status of electricity generation in the world and future of nuclear power industry -- Current and future nuclear power reactors and plants -- Nuclear fusion: What of the future? -- Global renewable energy resources and use in 2050 -- Methane hydrate as a "new energy" -- Hydropower -- Solar energy -- Wind power: A sustainable way to limit climate change -- Storing electrical energy -- Bioenergy -- Quantifying the climate effects of forest-based bioenergy -- Hydrogen fuel, fuel cells, and methane -- An overview of ground-source heat pump technology -- Geological sequestration of carbon dioxide -- Polymers from plants: Biomass fixed carbon dioxide as a resource -- Carbon Dioxide Utilization as a Mitigation Tool -- Greener farming: managing carbon and nitrogen cycles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture -- Geoengineering: Sunlight reflection methods and negative emissions technologies for greenhouse gas removal -- Normative issues of geoengineering technologies -- The social cost of carbon: capturing the costs of future climate impacts in US policy -- Migration and climate change -- Social justice and climate change -- The economics of geoengineering -- Justice in managing global climate change -- Local action that changes the world: Fresh perspectives on climate change mitigation and adaptation from Australia.
What are the causes of global warming? What options are available to solving the global warming problem? How can each option be realistically implemented? Technological Solutions to Global Warming is the first book of its kind, based on scientific content providing an overall reference looking at the problems of global warming and possible solutions in one volume. Containing all the necessary authoritative chapters written by scientists and engineers working in the field; each chapter includes the very latest research and references in the potential impact of wind, solar, hydro, geo-engineering and other energy technologies on climate change. With such a wide ranging set of topics and solutions readers will find a beneficial synergy, between the different solutions and issues, making this a handbook for engineers, professors, leaders and policy makers.