References3-Neural development of multisensory integration; Overview; The products of multisensory integration; Multisensory integration in individual SC neurons; The native state of multisensory integration is competitive; Developing multisensory integration and the principles that govern it; How experience leads to the development of SC multisensory integration capabilities; Incorporating multisensory experience into the circuit; Multisensory experience and influences from cortex: two interrelated developmental events; Multisensory plasticity in adulthood; Clinical implications
Front Cover; MULTISENSORY PERCEPTION; MULTISENSORY PERCEPTION: From Laboratory to Clinic; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Preface; References; I -- Foundations of multisensory perception; 1 -- Bouba-Kiki: cross-domain resonance and the origins of synesthesia, metaphor, and words in the human mind; Introduction; Synesthesia; Physiology of synesthesia; Creativity; Paradoxes of synesthesia; Bouba-Kiki; Bouba-Kiki and word origins; Bouba-Kiki and memory consolidation; Bouba-Kiki and conceptual metaphors; Intersensory metaphors; Directionality of metaphors; Inferior parietal lobule and Bouba-Kiki
6 -- Multisensory contributions to object recognition and memory across the life span
Multisensory processes for perceiving the body, self, and the environment at hand in infancy and childhoodVisual-haptic object perception in infancy; Multisensory body perception in infancy and childhood; Summary; References; 5 -- Computational models of multisensory integration; Introduction; Combining information from a single sensory channel with prior knowledge; Forced fusion: integrating sensory signals that come from a common source; Causal inference: accounting for observer's uncertainty about the world's causal structure; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References
Other sequelae of IPL damagePredictions about dyslexia; Metaphor blindness; Taxonomy of intersensory effects; Esthetic Blending; Sex and violence; The mirror neuron system; Sensory mirror neuron system; Out-of-body experience; Gestures, imitation, synkinesia, and the MNS; Autism; Number lines; Calendar lines; Neural basis of mental calendars; Conclusion; References; Further reading; 2 -- Philosophical insights; Starting point: the problem of individuating the senses; A taxonomy of sensory interactions; Multisensory blends; Binding and unisensory perception; Are all experiences multimodal?
Using the principles of multisensory integration to ameliorate hemianopiaPostrehabilitation visual capabilities; Acknowledgments; References; 4 -- The development of multisensory processes for perceiving the environment and the self; Infant perception of the audiovisual attributes specifying inanimate and animate objects; Development of audiovisual processing in infancy; Effects of early experience on audiovisual processing; Early experience and audiovisual processing: multisensory perceptual narrowing; Development of selective attention to multisensory inputs
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Multisensory Perception : From Laboratory to Clinic.