Anatomy and electrophysiology of the heart -- The electrocardiogram -- Analyzing the electrocardiogram -- Heart rate -- Regularity -- P waves -- QRS complexes -- PR intervals -- ST segments, T waves, QT intervals, and U waves -- Overview of dysrhythmias -- Sinus dysrhythmias -- Atrial dysrhythmias -- Origin and clinical aspects of junctional dysrhythmias -- Ventricular dysrhythmias -- AV heart blocks -- Pacemakers and implanted cardioverter-defibrillators -- Overview of 12-lead ECGs and electrical axis -- Atrial enlargement and ventricular hypertrophy -- Bundle branch block -- Myocardial ischemia, injury, and infarction -- Other cardiac conditions and the ECG -- Putting it all together : dysrhythmia and 12-lead analysis.
This book is designed to dynamically teach healthcare professionals how to interpret electrocardiograms (ECGs). It presents the information similar to how an instructor might deliver it in the classroom, with lots of illustrations, solid practical content, questions to prompt critical thinking, case presentations, and plentiful practice ECG tracings to promote the application of skills. One of the first things readers will notice about this text is it is more of a "how-to book" than a "theoretical book." Although there is plenty of detail, the coverage is to the point, telling you and then showing you what you need to know.