Fatigue of materials at very high numbers of loading cycles :
experimental techniques, mechanisms, modeling and fatigue life assessment /
Hans-Jürgen Christ (Ed.)
Wiesbaden :
Springer Spektrum,
1 online resource
Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Fatigue of low alloyed carbon steels in the HCF/VHCF-regimes; Abstract; Keywords; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials and Experimental; 2.1 Materials and Heat Treatment; 2.2 Electromechanical Fatigue Setup; 2.3 Ultrasonic Fatigue Setup; 2.4 Microstructure Investigations; 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 Influence of Pearlite Phase Fraction on the Fatigue Behaviour; 3.2 Influence of Frequency; 3.3 Influence of Heat Treatment; 4 Summary and Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References.
2 Atomic-scale modeling of elementary processes during the fatigue of metallic materials: from crack initiation to crack-microstructure interactionsAbstract; Keywords; 1 Methods; 2 Methods; 2.1 Interatomic potentials; 2.2 Creation of tilt grain boundaries and dislocations; 2.3 Setups for cracks; 2.4 Setup for dislocation-crack interactions; 2.5 Setup for crack initiation; 3 Results and discussion; 3.1 Properties of Fe and W potentials; 3.2 Cracks in perfect single crystals; 3.3 Fracture behavior of grain boundary cracks; 3.3.1 Straight grain boundary cracks; 3.3.2 Curved grain boundary cracks.
3.4 Dislocation-crack interactions3.5 Crack initiation at grain boundaries; 3.6 Future directions: cyclic loading; 4 Summary; Acknowledgements; References; 3 Fatigue behaviour of austenitic stainless steels in the VHCF regime; Abstract; Keywords; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental details; 3 Results and discussion; 3.1 Fatigue behaviour of the 304L steel; 3.2 Fatigue behaviour of the 316L steel; 3.3 Fatigue behaviour of the 904L steel; 3.4 Influence of the initial?' martensite volume fraction obtained by predeformation on the fatigue behaviour; 4 Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References.
4 Simulation of the VHCF deformation of austenitic stainless steels and its effect on the resonant behaviourAbstract; Keywords; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental results; 3 Simulation model; 3.1 Shear band model; 3.2 Martensitic transformation model; 4 Numerical model; 5 Simulation of cyclic plastic deformation of austenitic stainless steels; 5.1 Cyclic plastic deformation of the metastable austenitic stainless steel; 5.2 Cyclic plastic deformation of the stable austenitic stainless steel; 5.3 Comparison of cyclic plastic deformation of the metastable and the stable austenitic stainless steel.
5.4 Effect of initial martensite content in the microstructure on plastic sliding deformation5.5 Temperature-dependent cyclic plastic deformation at low stress amplitudes; 5.6 Influence of cyclic plastic deformation on the resonant behaviour; 6 Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 5 Slip band formation and crack initiation during very high cycle fatigue of duplex stainless steel -- Part 1: Mechanical testing and microstructural investigations; Abstract; Keywords; 1 Introduction; 2 Experimental details; 2.1 Material and sample preparation.
This book represents the final reports of the scientific projects funded within the DFG-SPP1466 and, hence, provides the reader with the possibility to familiarize with the leading edge of VHCF research. It draws a balance on the existing knowledge and its enhancement by the joint research action of the priority program. Three different material classes are dealt with: structural metallic materials, long-fiber-reinforced polymers and materials used in micro-electro-mechanical systems. The project topics address the development of suitable experimental techniques for high-frequency testing and damage monitoring, the characterization of damage mechanisms and damage evolution, the development of mechanism-based models and the transfer of the obtained knowledge and understanding into engineering regulations and applications.
Fatigue of Materials at Very High Numbers of Loading Cycles : Experimental Techniques, Mechanisms, Modeling and Fatigue Life Assessment.