queuing loss theory for the optimization of cargo vehicle rental systems /
Felix Papier.
Wiesbaden, Germany :
Springer Gabler,
1 online resource (xix, 145 pages)
Edition KWV
Originally published by Kölner Wissenschaftsverlag, Köln, 2007.
Includes bibliographical references.
2.7.1 Rental Process and Optimization Models2.7.2 Validation of Queuing Model; 2.7.3 Implementation; 2.8 Conclusion; 2.9 Proofs; 3 Convexity of Loss Probabilities; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Analysis of the Model With Homogeneous Servers; 3.3 Analysis of the Model With Heterogeneous Servers and Ordered-Entry; 3.4 Conclusion; 4 Capacity Rationing and Fleet Sizing under Batch Arrivals; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Literature Review; 4.3 Model Description; 4.4 Model Optimization; 4.5 Numerical Results; 4.6 Conclusion; 4.7 Proofs; 5 Capacity Rationing under Advance Demand Information; 5.1 Introduction
5.2 Literature Review5.3 Model Description; 5.4 Characteristics of the Optimal Policy; 5.4.1 Optimality of Threshold Policy; 5.4.2 Properties of Optimal Policy; 5.4.3 Optimal Non-ADI Policy as Benchmark; 5.4.4 Upper Bound on Performance of Optimal Policy; 5.5 ADI Policy; 5.5.1 Structure of Event Probabilities; 5.5.2 Representation of the System as CTMC; 5.5.3 Event Probabilities within Demand Leadtime; 5.5.4 Event Probabilities after Demand Leadtime; 5.5.5 Dominance of ADI Policy over Non-ADI Policies; 5.5.6 Algorithm for Computing ADI Event Probabilities; 5.5.7 Illustration of ADI Policy
Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Tables; List of Figures; List of Abbreviations; List of Symbols; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Motivation; 1.2 Vehicle Rental Businesses; 1.3 Modeling Rental Systems as Stochastic Systems; 1.4 Outline; 2 Fleet Sizing and Fleet Structuring under Batch Arrivals; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Literature Review; 2.3 Rental Model and Fleet Optimization; 2.3.1 Model Description; 2.3.2 Performance under Stationary Demand; 2.3.3 Performance under Non-Stationary Demand; 2.4 Fleet Structure; 2.5 Fleet Leasing; 2.6 Easy Approximation; 2.7 Model Validation and Implementation
Logistics providers typically own large fleets of transportation vehicles such as rail cars or trucks. These fleets do not only determine to a large extent the service level the company can offer, but also make up a large part of total costs. Proper management of the fleet is therefore a crucial factor for these companies. In this book the author presents planning approaches that address the optimal management of vehicle fleets. Firstly, methods for determining the mixture of vehicle types and the optimal size of a fleet are developed. Secondly, approaches for supporting new service models such as customer segmentation are derived. Potential readership includes scholars and graduate students who are interested in the field of fleet planning and practitioners from logistics companies looking for new planning approaches.
Optimization of Rental Systems : Queuing Loss Theory for the Optimization of Cargo Vehicle Rental Systems.