Intro; Preface; About the Editors; Acknowledgments; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Over-Arching Topics; 1: Considerations on Resilience in At-Risk Youth; Introduction; Identification of Risk and Protective Factors; Use of This Text in At-Risk Youth; Ten Evidence-Based Interventions to Promote Resilience; Recommended Resources; References; 2: Cultural Considerations; Definitions and Recommendations; Introduction; Cultural Competency; The "Cookbook Model"; Cultural Humility; Summary; Areas to Assess in Culturally Responsive Care; Health Beliefs; Health Literacy; Perceived Parental Role
5: Pediatric Mental Health Assessment in the Primary Care SettingAssessment; Considerations for Integrating Mental Health into the Pediatric Setting; Primary Care Only; Consultation with a Mental Health Provider; Collaboration with a Mental Health Provider; Direct Referral; Summary; References; 6: Interfacing with the Mental Health-Care System; Introduction; The PCP's Role in Children's Mental Health; Integrated Care Approaches; Coordinated Care; Tips for Coordinated Care; Collaborative Care; Co-location; Fully Integrated Care
Communication StyleOpen-Ended Questions; Summarizing; Elicit-Provide-Elicit; Ask-Provide-Ask; References; 3: Trauma; Scope and Definitions; Introduction; Childhood Trauma by the Numbers; Consequences of Trauma; Defining Trauma; Signs and Symptoms of Trauma; Confounders and Comorbidities; PTSD Presentation in Children and Adolescents; Role of Pediatric Primary Care Providers; Screening and Assessments; Seeking Mental Health Expertise; Summary; Resources for Families; Resources for Primary Care Providers; References; 4: Suicide and Non-suicidal Self-Injury; Suicide; Demographics and Etiology
Family Education Re: Engagement with the Mental Health-Care SystemInvoluntary Commitment; Emergency Mental Health-Care Evaluations; Inpatient Mental Health Treatment; Intermediate Levels of Care; References; 7: Interfacing with the School System; Introduction; Student Support Teams; What to Do When Communicating with Schools; Collaborate; Inquire; Plan; Special Concerns; Functional Behavioral Assessments; Strategies for Identifying/Intervening; Evaluation of a Child with Learning Difficulties; How Can PCPs Best Advocate for Children Throughout the CSE Process?
Risk/Protective FactorsSexual Minorities and Gender Diverse Youth; Screening and Assessment; Clinical Interview; Triage; Levels of Care; Behavioral Health Consults; Safety Precautions; Safety Plans; Next Steps; Black Box Warning for Antidepressants in Youths; Non-suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI); Demographics and Etiology; Risk and Protective Factors for NSSI; Screening and Assessment; Clinical Interview; SOARS Model; Screening Measures; Self-Harm Inventory (SHI); Inventory of Statements About Self-Injury (ISAS); Triage; Next Steps; Key Points to Convey to Caregivers; References
This book contains practical, clinical information for responding to the increasing unmet mental health needs of pediatric populations. Edited by mental health experts with hands-on experience working in primary care, this book describes the most common pediatric psychiatric concerns that are most appropriately treated by PCPs and integrated care teams and it is written specifically for such providers. It also provides clinical pearls for diagnosis, behavioral interventions, and pharmacologic interventions in order to inform early identification and treatment, which can change the trajectory of mental illness in youth. With broad applicability, the tools in this text can be used in urban, suburban, rural, resource-rich and resource-poor communities alike as well as in clinics that have varying degrees of mental health care integration. Pediatric Mental Health for Primary Care Providers: A Clinician's Guide is the ultimate resource for primary care clinicians and all members of integrated care teams working with children, including onsultant psychiatrists and psychologists, pediatricians, family physicians, social workers, nurse practitioners, physician's assistants, nurses, and care coordinators.
Springer Nature
Pediatric mental health for primary care providers.