Boston studies in the philosophy and history of science ;
Volume 333
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Foreword: The Historical Epistemology of Mechanics; Introduction; Contents; Contributors; Part I: The Historiographical Framework; Chapter 1: Mental Models as Cognitive Instruments in the Transformation of Knowledge; 1.1 Mental Models; 1.2 Mechanical Knowledge; 1.2.1 What Is Mechanical Knowledge?; 1.2.2 Intuitive Mechanical Knowledge; 1.2.3 Theoretical Reflection on Mechanical Knowledge; 1.2.4 Mechanical Knowledge Without Theory: Mechanical Tools; 1.2.5 Architecture of Mechanical Knowledge; 1.3 The Mental Model of the Causation of Motion; 1.3.1 The Intuitive Motion-implies-force Model
1.3.2 The Mental Model of Aristotelian Dynamics1.3.3 The Differentiation of the Mental Model of Aristotelian Dynamics; 1.3.4 The Transformation of Aristotelian into Classical Physics; 1.4 Networks of Mental Models; 1.4.1 Forms of Networking Mental Models; 1.4.2 Sketch of a Theory of the Historical Transformation of Mechanical Knowledge; References; Chapter 2: Preclassical Mechanics in Context: Practical and Theoretical Knowledge Between Sovereignty, Religion, and Science; 2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 The Sovereign State as Paradoxical Juridical Structure: Seeking Self-Legitimation Through New Knowledge-Sites2.1.2 Military and Economy: Knowledge-Sites in Transformation and Expansion; 2.1.3 Religion Within the Boundaries of Newly Emerging States: The Power of Disciplining and Education; 2.1.4 Mechanical Knowledge Between State and Church: The Case of Parma; References; Chapter 3: Socio-Political Coordinates of Early-Modern Mechanics: A Preliminary Discussion; 3.1 The Marxist Paradigm: Mechanics Between Basis and Überbau
3.2 From Economic Structures to Organic Intellectuals: The Gramscian MomentReferences; Part II: The Ancient Roots and Emergence of Preclassical Mechanics; Chapter 4: The Early History of Weighing Technology from the Perspective of a Theory of Innovation; 4.1 The Origin of Weighing Technology and its Conceptual Consequences; 4.2 The Cultural Evolution of Practical and Theoretical Knowledge; 4.3 Unequal-Arm Balances as a Technical Weighing Innovation; 4.4 The First Writings on Mechanics as a Theoretical Weighing Innovation; 4.5 A Unique Development or a Universal Pattern: An Excursus to China
4.6 Technical Innovation and the Evolution of Knowledge4.7 The Co-Existence of Different Lineages; 4.8 Canalization and Scaffolding: The Case of the Bismar; 4.9 Canalization and Scaffolding: The Case of the Steelyard; 4.10 The Role of Infrastructures as Inheritance Systems for Technology; 4.11 The Unexplored Interaction between Technical and Theoretical Knowledge; References; Chapter 5: The Balance, the Lever and the Aristotelian Origins of Mechanics; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Text of the Mechanical Problems; 5.3 The Program of Reduction; 5.4 The Application Paradigm: Problems 4 and 6
This book is divided into two sections. The first section is concerned with the emergence and expansion of a form of mechanical knowledge defined by us as pre-classical mechanics. The definition purports to the period roughly between the 15th and the 17th century, before classical mechanics was formulated as a coherent and comprehensive mechanical theory in the sequel of Newton's work. The investigation of problems that were isolated from each other at the time but cohered into some kind of stable broad intellectual framework characterizes pre-classical mechanics. The second section is dedicated to specific case studies that present the application of a pre-classical framework to determined problems and to the investigation of specific natural phenomena. It consists of five case studies that illustrate in detail a reconstruction of pre-classical mechanics in particular constellations. Early modern theoretical, technical and social contexts transformed ancient and medieval mechanical knowledge in the course of its transmission.
Springer Nature
Emergence and expansion of pre-classical mechanics.