Using Mobile Technologies in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics /
Nigel Calder, Kevin Larkin, Nathalie Sinclair, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Mathematics education in the digital era ;
volume 12
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Intro; Contents; About the Editors; 1 Mobile Technologies: How Might Using Mobile Technologies Reshape the Learning and Teaching of Mathematics?; References; Looking Across the Terrain; 2 Mathematics Apps-Stormy with the Weather Clearing: Using Cluster Analysis to Enhance App Use in Mathematics Classrooms; Abstract; Introduction; Literature Review; App Affordances; Generic Reviews of Apps; Study Design-Preparing the Data and Cluster Analysis; Target Population and Criteria for Inclusion; Materials and Procedures; Findings; Discussion; Types of Mathematics Knowledge.
4 Mobile Technologies in the Primary Mathematics Classroom: Engaging or Not?Abstract; Introduction; Theorising Engagement; How Are Teachers Using Mobile Technologies in Primary Mathematics Classrooms?; The Studies; Study 1; Study 2; Study 3; Mobile Technology to Enhance Pedagogical Relationships; Students' Backgrounds and Pre-existing Knowledge Are Acknowledged and Contribute to the Learning of Others; The Teacher Is Aware of Each Student's Mathematical Abilities and Learning Needs; Interaction Amongst Students and Between Teacher and Students Is Continuous.
Cluster 2-Conceptual and Procedural KnowledgeCluster 4-Procedural and Declarative or Solely Procedural Knowledge; Cluster 7-Declarative Knowledge or Declarative and Minimal Procedural Knowledge; Miscellaneous-i.e. Non-clustered Apps; Limitations; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 3 How Might Apps Reshape the Mathematical Learning Experience?; Abstract; Introduction; Methodology; Affordances; Collaboration; Socio-material Assemblages; Personalisation/Differentiation; The Weaving of Themes; Concluding Comments; References.
Mobile Technologies in the Primary Mathematics Classroom: Engaging or Not?References; Traversing the Teaching and Learning Landscape; 5 When Robot A.L.E.X. Trains Teachers How to Teach Mathematics; Abstract; Introduction; Literature Review; Methodology; Conceptual Framework; Research Design: Scope and Context of Study; Phase I-Familiarization with Mobile Mathematics Learning; App A.L.E.X.; Phase II: Lesson Planning; Phase III: Lesson Implementation and Reflection; Instruments, Data Collection, and Analysis Procedure; Results.
The Teacher Models Enthusiasm and an Enjoyment of Mathematics and Has a Strong Pedagogical Content KnowledgeFeedback to Students Is Constructive, Purposeful and Timely; Pedagogical Repertoires that Include Mobile Technologies; There Is Substantive Conversation About Mathematical Concepts and Their Applications to Life; Tasks Are Positive, Provide Opportunity for All Students to Achieve a Level of Success and Are Challenging for All; Technology Is Embedded and Used to Enhance Mathematical Understanding Through a Student-Centred Approach to Learning.
Mobile technologies influence the way that we interact with the world, the way that we live. We use them for communication, entertainment, information and research. In education settings, there has been substantial investment in mobile devices, often without a concomitant investment in developing pedagogy and practices. With mobile technologies evolving rapidly, and the number of educational apps growing, there is a need for research into how they facilitate mathematics learning. Such research is of particular importance regarding how such devices may be used to open up new ways of envisaging mathematics and mathematics education, and to help develop conceptual rather than procedural or declarative knowledge. This volume draws upon international research and reports on a range of research projects that have incorporated mobile technologies for mathematics education. It presents research on the use of mobile technologies, such as iPads, iPods, iPhones, Androids, and Tablets, across a diverse range of cultures, year levels and contexts. It examines the ways in which mobile technologies, including apps, might influence students' engagement, cognition, collaboration and attitudes, through the reshaping of the learning experience. In addition, the book presents appropriate ways to integrate mobile technologies into teaching and learning programmes. It is a significant reference book for those involved with teaching mathematics or using mobile technologies in education, while also offering insights and examples that are applicable to the use of digital technologies in education generally.
Springer Nature
Using Mobile Technologies in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.