Intro; Preface; In memoriam Virginia Nixon; In Memoriam Professor Virginia Nixon; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; Chapter 1: The Lives of Joachim and Anne Depicted in the Church of Humor Monastery, Moldavia (Romania); 1 Introduction; 2 An Overview of the Theology Illustrated by the Series of Frescoes That Depicts the Life of Mary and of Her Parents, Joachim and Anne, at Humor; 2.1 'Reversals' as Operated by the Iconographer(s) When Depicting Scenes That Illustrate the History of Salvation.
2.2 The 'Reversals' in the Frescoes Illustrating the Life of Mary and of Her Parents, Joachim and Anne3 The Description of the Frescos Depicting Scenes from the Lives of Joachim and Anne; 4 Conclusion; Chapter 2: The Pleasure of Child Nursing: St. Anne and the Infant Mary in Texts and Byzantine Art; 1 Byzantine Texts and Iconographic Creations on Breastfeeding and Pleasure; 2 Saints Anne and Joachim's Pleasure of Parenthood. Anne Breastfeeding Her Daughter; 3 Why Did the Medieval Byzantine Patrons Order the Breastfeeding Images to Be Made?
4 Theological Reflections About Pleasure and the Significance of Milk as Experienced and Understood by AnneChapter 3: The Reception of Saint Anne's Cult in the Hungarian Ecclesiastical Environment: Her Legend in Codices; 1 The First Legends and Their Historical Context; 2 The Cult of Saint Anne in Late Medieval Hungary; 2.1 Saint Anne's vita in an Ecclesiastical Environment; The Teleki Codex; The Kazinczy Codex; The Érdy Codex; Stories About Miracles and Anne's Trinubium in the Three Hungarian Codices; Prayers, Devotion to Anne.
Chapter 4: An Alternative Suggestion Regarding the Origins of the Image 'The Education of the Virgin'1 Introduction; Bibliography; Index.
St. Anne was popular with representatives of various segments of society - from monks, nuns, members of the clergy, royal patrons, to church-goers of every rank. This book looks into both the public and private worship of this holy woman and brings to the surface some under-exposed aspects of it. It does so through the examination of manuscripts, monumental art, relics, sculpture, and texts of various genres. The contributors employ a historical as well as a theological perspective on how the cult of St. Anne (sometimes also with glimpses concerning that of Joachim) established itself, referring to areas in Europe which are not frequently discussed in English-language scholarship. This new contribution to the field of hagiography will be of interest to academics from a variety of research fields, including theologians, Byzantinists, art and church historians, and historians of a larger scope.
Springer Nature
Devotion to St. Anne in Texts and Images : From Byzantium to the Late European Middle Ages.