Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 An Integrated Approach for Assessing Environmental Damage and (Inter)Generational Debt in the Definition of Territorial Transformation Policies; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The (Inter)Generational Environmental Debt; 3 Regenerating the Urban Systems and the Concept of Limit; 4 Regenerating the Environment and the Territory: The Concept of Resilience; 5 Assessing the Complexity of Environmental Issues with a Multi-Criteria Approach; 6 Conclusions; References; 2 The Evaluation of Structural-Physical Projects in Urban Distressed Areas; Abstract; 1 Premise.
1 Introduction2 From the Limits of Economy to the Economy of the Limit; 3 The End of an Era: From the Money-Driven Society to the Happiness-Driven Society; 4 The Valuation of the "True, Fair and Beautiful"; 5 Conclusions: Encyclical Letter Paradigm Starting from Keynes; References; 8 The Integration of Agriculture in the Politics of Social Regeneration of Degraded Urban Areas; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The Encyclical "Laudato sì", Points of Reflection on the Relationship Between Urban Areas, Agriculture and Social Inclusion.
2 Main Features of Urban Distressed Areas3 Urban Transformation Projects in Urban Distressed Areas; 4 The Evaluation of Physical Transformation Projects in Urban Distressed Areas; References; Human Ecology: Values and Paradigms; 3 Values and Paradigms for a Human Ecology; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The New Value Theory and the Neuralgic, Nodal and Strategic Point of the Laudato Si' Encyclical Letter; 3 The Three Surpluses and the "Trans-Information" Process: Integral Ecology and the Human City; 4 Science of Value and Valuation: Ontological Vision and the Operational Paradigm; 5 Conclusions.
5 For an Ethics of Urban RegenerationAbstract; 1 What We Are Talking About?; 2 A Process, not a Project; 3 Time Consumption? Another Possible Point of View; 4 Why We Are Talking About?; References; 6 The Project "Places of Mediation"; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Spontaneous Settlements; 3 "Outlawed" Territory; 4 The Abusive City: Living Precariously; 5 A Strategic and Unified Vision of the Future; 6 Places of Mediation; 7 Mediation Strategy; 8 Outcome of the Project; References; 7 True, Fair and Beautiful: Evaluative Paradigms Between the Encyclical Letter Laudato Sì and Keynes; Abstract.
AcknowledgementsReferences; 4 "Moral" Purposes and Material "Knowledge" in the Encyclical "Laudato sí"; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 European Culture and Christianity; 3 Cultural and Religious Isomorphism; 4 The Encyclical "A Quo Primum" by Pope Benedict XIV: The Town as an Indicator; 5 The Encyclical "Spe salvi" by Pope Benedict XVI: Faith/Hope and the Undeniable Datum; 6 The Encyclical "Laudato sí" by Pope Francis; 6.1 Uncertainty of the Datum, Conjectures and Refutations; 6.2 Sobriety: Social Mythology; 6.3 Ideological Indicators Versus Effective Indicators; 7 Conclusions; References.
This book highlights a selection of the best papers presented at the 2016 SIEV conference "The Laudato sì Encyclical Letter and Valuation. Cities between Conflict and Solidarity, Decay and Regeneration, Exclusion and Participation", which was held in Rome, Italy, in April 2016, and brought together experts from a diverse range of fields - economics, appraisal, architecture, energy, urban planning, sociology, and the decision sciences - and government representatives. The book is divided into four parts: Human Ecology: Values and Paradigms; Integral Ecology and Natural Resource Management; Intergenerational Equity; and How to Enhance Dialogue and Transparency in Decision-making Processes. Cities are where 72% of all Europeans live, and this percentage is expected to rise to 80% by 2050. Given this trend towards urbanization, cities are continuously growing, which also entails a growing risk of social segregation, lack of security and mounting environmental problems. All too often, today's cities have to cope with social and environmental crises, shifting the European urban agenda towards regeneration processes. Urban regeneration is more complex than merely renovating existing buildings, as it also involves social and environmental problems, inhabitants' quality of life, protecting tangible and intangible cultural resources, innovation and business.
Springer Nature
City planning-- Environmental aspects, Congresses.
Urban policy, Congresses.
Urban renewal, Congresses.
City planning-- Environmental aspects.
Energy technology & engineering.
Environmental economics.
Human geography.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- City Planning & Urban Development.