Intro; Foreword; About the Book; Contents; About the Authors; Chapter 1: Introduction; References; Chapter 2: Global Review of Evidence on FGM; 2.1 A Somber Picture; 2.2 Methods; 2.3 Statistical Analysis; 2.3.1 Meta-analysis of FGM/C Prevalence Estimates; 2.3.2 Secular Trend Analysis; 2.4 Results; 2.4.1 Included Survey Datasets; 2.4.2 Prevalence of FGM/C by Country and Geographical Regions; West African Sub-region; East African Sub-region; Central African Sub-region; North African Sub-region; Western Asian Sub-region.
2.4.3 Age-Specific Prevalence of FGM/C2.4.4 Variations in FGM/C Prevalence by Survey Period and Type; 2.4.5 Secular Trend in the Prevalence of FGM/C; 2.5 Discussion and Conclusions; References; Chapter 3: Mapping and Modelling of the FGM Prevalence; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 FGM/C Description; 3.3 The Mapping of FGM/C Risks in Outline; 3.3.1 FGM/C Prevalence Data, Modelling and Risk Mapping; 3.3.2 The Role of Spatial Factors and Spatial Modelling; 3.3.3 Data Geo-Coding; 3.3.4 Why Spatial: Data Structure and Sample Design Are Complex; 3.3.5 The Benefits of Spatial Analysis Approach.
3.3.6 Statistical Analysis3.3.6.1 Bayesian Geo-Additive Regression Models; 3.3.7 Mapping Prevalence of FGM/C in Selected Countries; A-Egypt; B-Nigeria; C-Senegal; D-The Central African Republic (CAR); 3.4 Discussion and Implications; References; Chapter 4: Health Consequences of FGM/C; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Clarifying the Notion and Building Practical Knowledge About FGM; 4.2.1 What Is FGM/C?; 4.2.2 WHO and UNICEF Classifications; 4.3 Health Impacts in Non-clinical Settings; 4.4 Health Impacts in Clinical Settings; References.
6.4.1 Criminal Liability6.4.2 Sentencing; 6.4.3 Civil Liability; 6.5 Djibouti; 6.5.1 The Law; 6.5.2 Enforcement; 6.6 Egypt; 6.6.1 The Law; 6.6.2 Enforcement; 6.7 Ethiopia; 6.7.1 The Law; 6.8 Ghana; 6.8.1 The Law; 6.9 Guinea; 6.10 Ivory Coast; 6.10.1 Criminal Liability; 6.10.2 The Constitution; 6.10.3 Enforcement; 6.11 Madagascar; 6.12 Mali; 6.13 Senegal; 6.14 Sierra Leone; 6.14.1 The Law; 6.15 South Africa; 6.15.1 The Law; 6.15.2 Enforcement; Civil Liability; 6.16 Sudan; 6.17 Tanzania; 6.17.1 The Law; 6.17.2 Enforcement; 6.18 Uganda; 6.18.1 The Law; 6.18.2 Enforcement.
Chapter 5: Clinical Remedial Interventions and Care for FGM Victims5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Taking History; 5.3 Genital Examination; 5.4 Recording and Read Coding the Diagnosis; 5.5 Management; 5.6 Monitoring and Safeguarding; 5.7 Training; 5.8 Ethics; 5.9 Costs; 5.10 Conclusion; References; Chapter 6: Analysis of Laws in Selected Countries Around the World; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Burkina Faso; 6.2.1 Criminal Law; 6.2.2 Private Law; 6.2.3 Enforcement; 6.3 CHAD; 6.3.1 Criminal Law and Enforcement; 6.3.2 Child Protection Laws; 6.3.3 Sentencing; 6.4 The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
This book uses global household data to examine the prevalence, trends and geographic variation of female genital mutilation (FGM) around the world. It also addresses the underlying legal and policy aspects as well as explores the medical consequences, both immediate and long term, for those undergoing the practice. The book analyses the position of victims of this gender-based violence both from the medical and legal perspective and adopts a largely practical approach to the study of the practices, offering a fresh thinking into one of the challenges in global health and the law. In addition, it offers some insights into how health professionals can approach this category of victims and how legal practitioners can obtain a good legal result for their clients before domestic and international forums. The book addresses fundamental issues such as state liability and defences in enforcement proceedings for actions or omission of state or non-state actors, and due diligence standard in international human rights law, the main gateways available for obtaining relief for the victims of FGM. This book goes beyond the traditional debate between zero tolerance and those who wish to see the practice medicalised and tolerated and favours an advocacy programme standing firmly in favour of the right of FGM victims. This book offers a unique perspective likely to assist victims and their representatives to secure a remedy against perpetrators and the state. As such this book will be of interest to medical professionals, national and international lawyers, academics and policymakers in the field of public health.