Volume 3,dollar5Structured and multiphase fluids /
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Advances in geophysical and environmental mechanics and mathematics
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Intro; Preface; Fluid and Thermodynamics-Volume 1: Basic Fluid Mechanics; Fluid and Thermodynamics-Volume 2: Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamic Fundamentals; Fluid and Thermodynamics-Volume 3: Structured and Multiphase Fluids; Contents; 21 Balance Laws of Continuous System; 21.1 Classification of Continuous Systems; 21.1.1 Balance Laws; 21.1.2 Single Constituent Systems; 21.1.3 Multiphase Continua and Mixtures; 21.1.4 Boltzmann and Polar Continua; 21.2 General Balance Laws for the Constituents; 21.3 Balance Laws for the Mixture as a Whole; 21.4 Summary; 21.5 Discussion; References.
22 Kinematics of Classical and Cosserat Continua22.1 Preamble; 22.2 Classical Motion; 22.3 Classical Deformation Measures; 22.4 Micromotion; 22.5 Extended Deformation Measures; 22.6 Curvature Tensors; 22.7 Velocity Gradient and Gyration Tensor; 22.8 Natural Basis System; 22.9 Deformation Measures Referred to the Natural Basis; 22.10 Cosserat Deformation Tensors and Natural Bases; 22.11 Balance of Micro-Inertia; 22.12 Cosserats Book of 1909, Its Reception and Influence on the 20th Century and Beyond; References; 23 Thermodynamics of Class I and Class II Classical Mixtures.
23.1 General Introduction23.2 Diffusion of Tracers in a Classical Fluid; 23.2.1 Basic Assumptions; 23.2.2 Material Theory for Diffusion Processes; 23.3 Saturated Mixture of Nonpolar Solid and Fluid Constituents; 23.3.1 Motivation; 23.3.2 Choice of the Material Class and Material Theory; 23.3.3 Some Properties of Differential (Pfaffian) Forms; 23.3.4 The Differential of the Entropy; 23.3.5 Thermodynamic Equilibrium; 23.3.6 Extension to Nonequilibrium States; 23.4 Discussion; References; 24 Thermodynamics of Binary Solid-Fluid Cosserat Mixtures; 24.1 Introductory Remarks.
24.2 Thermodynamics of an Elastic Solid Plus a Viscoelastic Fluid24.3 Evolution Equations for the Volume Fractions; 24.4 Process Variables and Constitutive Functions; 24.5 Handling of the Entropy Inequality; 24.6 Detailed Exploitation of (24.23)-(24.43); 24.7 Behavior at and Near Thermodynamic Equilibrium; 24.7.1 Equilibrium Helmholtz Free Energies; 24.7.2 Equilibrium Implications; 24.7.3 Exploitation of the Entropy Inequality in the Neighborhood of the Equilibrium; 24.8 On Classes of Alternative Models; 24.8.1 The Hybrid Model I (HMI); 24.8.2 The Hybrid Model II (HMII).
24.8.3 The Incompressible Model (IM)24.9 Specification of the Material Behavior; 24.9.1 Rules of Aequipresence and Phase Separation and Their Approximate use for a Binary Mixture; 24.9.2 A Linear Model of Thermoelasticity of a Cosserat Single-Constituent Body; 24.9.3 Elastic Energies for Isotropic Solid Boltzmann Bodies; References; 25 A Continuum Approach to Liquid Crystals-The Ericksen-Leslie-Parody Formulation; 25.1 A Phenomenological View of Liquid Crystals; 25.2 A Continuum Formulation of Nematic Liquid Crystals; 25.2.1 General Physical Conservation Laws.
This third volume describes continuous bodies treated as classical (Boltzmann) and spin (Cosserat) continua or fluid mixtures of such bodies. It discusses systems such as Boltzmann continua (with trivial angular momentum) and Cosserat continua (with nontrivial spin balance) and formulates the balance law and deformation measures for these including multiphase complexities. Thermodynamics is treated in the spirit of Müller-Liu: it is applied to Boltzmann-type fluids in three dimensions that interact with neighboring fluids on two-dimensional contact surfaces and/or one-dimensional contact lines. For all these situations it formulates the balance laws for mass, momenta, energy, and entropy. Further, it introduces constitutive modeling for 3-, 2-, 3-d body parts for general processes and materially objective variable sets and their reduction to equilibrium and non-equilibrium forms. Typical (reduced) fluid spin continua are liquid crystals. Prominent nematic examples of these include the Ericksen-Leslie-Parodi (ELP) formulation, in which material particles are equipped with material unit vectors (directors). Nematic liquid crystals with tensorial order parameters of rank 1 to n model substructure behavior better, and for both classes of these, the book analyzes the thermodynamic conditions of consistency. Granular solid-fluid mixtures are generally modeled by complementing the Boltzmann laws with a balance of fluctuation (kinetic) energy of the particles. The book closes by presenting a full Reynolds averaging procedure that accounts for higher correlation terms e.g. a k-epsilon formulation in classical turbulence. However, because the volume fraction is an additional variable, the theory also incorporates 'k-epsilon equations' for the volume fraction.
Springer Nature
Structured and multiphase fluids
Fluid mechanics.
Condensed matter physics (liquid state & solid state physics)