Theoretical Informatics : 13th Latin American Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 16-19, 2018, Proceedings /
Michael A. Bender, Martín Farach-Colton, Miguel A. Mosteiro (eds.).
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource (xvii, 889 pages) :
Advanced research in computing and software science
Lecture notes in computer science,
LNCS sublibrary. SL 1, Theoretical computer science and general issues
0302-9743 ;
Includes author index.
International conference proceedings.
The graph tessellation cover number: extremal bounds, efficient algorithms and hardness -- Approximate Correlation Clustering Using Same-Cluster Queries -- Finding tight Hamilton cycles in random hypergraphs faster -- Walking Through Waypoints -- Lower Bounds for Online Matching on the Line -- On the complexity of _nding internally vertex-disjoint long directed paths -- Algorithms and Hardness Results for Nearest Neighbor Problems in Bicolored Point Sets -- A Polynomial Sized Kernel for Tracking Paths Problem -- Time-Space Trade-O_s for Computing Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees -- Approximate nearest neighbor for lp-spaces (2
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, LATIN 2018, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in April 2018. The 63 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 161 submissions. The Symposium is devoted to different areas in theoretical computer science, including, but not limited to: algorithms (approximation, online, randomized, algorithmic game theory, etc.), analytic combinatorics and analysis of algorithms, automata theory and formal languages, coding theory and data compression, combinatorial algorithms, combinatorial optimization, combinatorics and graph theory, complexity theory, computational algebra, computational biology, computational geometry, computational number theory, cryptology, databases and information retrieval, data structures, formal methods and security, Internet and the web, parallel and distributed computing, pattern matching, programming language theory, and random structures.
Springer Nature
Computer science, Congresses.
Algorithms & data structures.
Artificial intelligence.
Computer networking & communications.
Computer science.
Computers-- Computer Graphics.
Computers-- Data Modeling & Design.
Computers-- Data Processing.
Computers-- Hardware-- General.
Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.
Computers-- Programming-- Algorithms.
Graphics programming.
Mathematical theory of computation.
Bender, Michael A.
Farach-Colton, Martin
Mosteiro, Miguel A.
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics(13th :2018 :, Buenos Aires, Argentina)