Emma Milne, Karen Brennan, Nigel South, Jackie Turton, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Contents; Editors and Contributors; List of Tables; 1 Women and the Criminal Justice System-Moving Beyond the Silo; References; Part I Women as Victims and Offenders; 2 Rape Myths in the Criminal Justice System; Introduction; Rape Myths; The Legal Framework, Consent and Rape Myths in Court; Legal Professionals' Attitudes and Practice; The Impact of Rape Myths on Juror Decision-Making; Complainants' Experiences of Court; Efforts to Challenge Rape Myths in the Courtroom; What Has Been Done?; Crown Prosecution Service; Judicial Studies Board
Criminal Justice Practice in Cases of NeonaticideThe Neonaticidal Woman and the Criminal Justice System-Some Reflections; References; 6 Understanding Violent Women; Introduction; Women Who Kill; Women as Child Sexual Abusers; Understanding Gender Norms; Conclusion; References; Part II The Criminal Justice System: Failing or Improving?; 7 Sentencing Women in the Transformed Probation Landscape; Introduction; Gender and Sentencing; Policy and Legislative Developments; Methods and Data; Findings; Sentencing Women Differently?; Developments Under the Offender Rehabilitation Act
Evaluating the Efforts of the CPS and Judicial Studies BoardWhere Do We Go from Here?; Conclusions; References; 3 False Allegations of Sexual Violence: The Reality; Introduction; Newspaper Reporting of False Allegations and Rape Prosecutions; False Allegations and Misunderstandings Surrounding Rape; Prosecuting False Allegations; Conclusion; References; 4 Domestic Abuse: Predicting, Assessing and Responding to Risk in the Criminal Justice System and Beyond; Introduction; Defining Domestic Abuse; Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse; Predicting Domestic Abuse in Essex
Individual, Family, and Interpersonal-Level RiskNeighbourhood Level; Improving Police Responses to Domestic Abuse; Policing Domestic Violence-Risk; Policing Domestic Abuse-Professional Practice; A Women's Sector and Criminal Justice System Alliance: A Strategy Against Domestic Abuse; Specialist Domestic Violence Courts; Conclusion; References; 5 Criminalising Neonaticide: Reflections on Law and Practice in England and Wales; Introduction; What Is Neonaticide?; Criminalising 'Neonaticide'; The Born Alive Rule; Criminalising Neglect; Impact of Mental State on Mental Fault Requirements
Knowledge of Gender-Specific ProvisionThe Suitability of Unpaid Work Requirements; Reflection Points; References; 8 Why Training Is Not Improving the Police Response to Sexual Violence Against Women: A Glimpse into the 'Black Box' of Police Training; Introduction; Training as the Solution?; Understanding Police Training in Practice; Handing Down the Craft; Insulation from Academic Evidence and Scrutiny; Reproducing Localised Organisational Procedure; The Status of Training Within the Organisation; Police-Academic Co-production of SOIT Training
Bringing together academics and professionals, this edited collection considers key issues in current criminal justice policy and practice related specifically to women to answer the important question: are women being failed by the criminal justice system? In a landscape where women's involvement in the criminal justice system still tends to be ignored or lost in discussions about men, contributors place special emphasis on women as both victims and offenders. The chapters cover a wide range of topics relating to women and crime, including: violent and sexual victimisation, violent offending, sentencing and punishment, and rape myths. Since the peak of feminist criminal justice scholarship in the 1990s, the place of women in the criminal justice system has arguably slipped down the agenda and the authors of this collection draw on original research to make the compelling case for a swift remedy to this. Drawing on recent academic studies and professional experience to set an agenda for future research - as well as legal and policy reform - this book injects new life into the dialogue surrounding women and the criminal justice system. Innovative and timely, this collection of essays holds broad appeal to academics and practitioners, as well as students of criminology, criminal justice and law, and all those with an interest in feminism, justice, and inequality.--
Springer Nature
Women and the criminal justice system.
Female offenders.
Sex discrimination in criminal justice administration.
Women-- Crimes against.
Women prisoners.
Female offenders.
Sex discrimination in criminal justice administration.