Margareta Friman, Dick Ettema, Lars E. Olsson, editors.
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Applying quality of life research: best practices
Intro; Preface; About the Editors; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Introduction; Chapter 1: Quality of Life and Daily Travel: An Introduction; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Background; 1.3 Contributions in the Book; 1.3.1 Conceptualizations; 1.3.2 Case-Study Applications; 1.3.3 Future Directions; References; Part II: Conceptualizations; Chapter 2: Travel Satisfaction and Well-Being; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 A Review of Travel Satisfaction Measures and Their Causes; 2.2.1 An Overview of Conceptualizations of Travel Satisfaction; 2.2.2 Service Quality Measures; 2.2.3 Subjective Well-Being-Based Measures
2.2.4 Other Summary Judgments2.2.5 A Discussion of Semantic and Conceptual Issues; 2.3 Analysis of Episode-Specific Emotional Measures of Well-Being; 2.4 Influence of Travel Satisfaction on Subjective Well-Being; 2.5 Concluding Comments; References; Service Quality-Based Satisfaction Measures; Subjective Well-Being-Based Satisfaction Measures; Other Travel Satisfaction Measures; Other References; Chapter 3: Travel and Feelings; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Feeling Constructs; 3.3 Conceptualization and Retrospective Measurements of Travel-Related Feelings
3.4 Conceptualization and Instantaneous Measurement of Travel-Related Feelings3.5 Discussion; References; Chapter 4: Accessibility and Exclusion Related to Well Being; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Transport, Social Exclusion and Well-Being; 4.3 Accessibility vs Mobility; 4.4 A Theoretical Model; 4.5 How Much Transport Is Enough?; 4.6 Taking Stock and Looking Forward; References; Part III: Case-Study Applications; Chapter 5: Commuting and Happiness: What Ways Feel Best for What Kinds of People?; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Previous Research; 5.2.1 Topics; 5.2.2 Limitations; 5.3 Approach of This Study
5.3.1 Concept of Happiness5.3.2 Research Method: Day Reconstruction Method; 5.3.3 Data Source; 5.3.4 Variables; Demographics; Commuting and Happiness Measured Using the Happiness Diary; 5.3.5 Descriptive Statistics; Demographics; Commuting Time and Mode; Mood; 5.4 Results; 5.4.1 Does Commuting Affect Happiness? If So How Much?; 5.4.2 Which Aspects of Commuting Influence Happiness Most and Least?; 5.4.3 What Way of Commuting Is Optimal for Whom?; 5.5 Discussion; 5.5.1 Main Findings; 5.5.2 Agenda for Further Research; 5.6 Conclusions; References
Chapter 6: Dynamic Modeling of Activity Happiness: An Investigation of the Intra-activity Hedonic Treadmill6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Data Collection and Sample Statistics; 6.3 Modeling Hedonic State; 6.4 Conclusion; 6.4.1 Summary; 6.4.2 Happiness Measurement Implications; 6.4.3 Limitations and Further Work; References; Chapter 7: Measuring Door-to-Door Journey Travel Satisfaction with a Mobile Phone App; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 The Survey and Tool Design; 7.2.1 The Selection of a Personal Navigation Assistant (PNA) Platform in Deploying the Survey
This volume analyses the relevance of daily travel in the quality of life of individuals. It provides a broad understanding of the links between life satisfaction, well-being and travel, the importance of commuting, and different evaluations and measures to assess the experience of commuting and quality of life. Chapters in this book relate travel and quality of life to the built environment, accessibility and exclusion, travel mode choice, travel satisfaction and emotions. It brings together distinguished researchers from a variety of academic backgrounds providing conceptualizations and applications, presented as case studies, for daily travel and well-being. Findings presented in this book are highly relevant for transport planners, transport marketers, public transport authorities, and environmental professionals in the pursuit of improving people's life.
Springer Nature
Quality of Life and Daily Travel.
Choice of transportation.
Urban transportation.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Industries-- Transportation.