Chapter 1: Introduction [Marieke Verschuuren (RIVM) & Hans van Oers (RIVM)]Definition, scope and role of population health monitoring Underlying concepts: the information pyramid, health information chain, policy cycle Illustration of how good monitoring can steer effective policy making by means of one or two elaborated case studies Aims of the bookChapter 2: Health Information Systems [Bernd Rechel (WHO Observatory on health systems), Nicole Rosenkoetter (NRW Centre for Public Health, Germany) Marieke Verschuuren, Hans van Oers]Requirements for health information systems (based in WHO guidelines and other relevant sources) The current situation in Europe (based on health system in transition (HiT reports and other relevant sources) Assessing and improving health information systems, the need for health information strategies Health information systems at different geographical levels (local, regional, national, international): their links and specific requirements Chapter 3: Conceptual Models for Public Health Monitoring [Arpana Verma (University of Manchester), Peter Achterberg (RIVM), Henk Hilderink (RIVM)] Conceptual models for public health monitoring (Lalonde, Whitehead and Dahlgren, input-process-output, etc.) From a conceptual model to indicator selection; selection/quality criteria, what makes a good indicator? Indicator work at the international level and underlying concepts Chapter 4: Data Sources [Ivo Rakovac (WHO-Euro), someone from Eurostat, someone from OECD, Lany Slobbe (RIVM)] Different types of data sources useful for population health monitoring and their strengths and limitations Data linkage EHRs, big data, and other current developmentsChapter 5: Knowledge Synthesis [Nancy Hoeymans (RIVM), Casper Schoemaker (RIVM), Henk Hilderink, international forecasting expert]From data to information, e.g. trend analyses, benchmarking, ranking, comparing population groups, comparing geographical areas, and their pros & cons and requirements From information to knowledge, e.g. linking information on determinants with information on health outcomes, linking information on health outcomes with information on the (cost)effectiveness of interventions, and their pros & cons and requirements Modeling, forecasting and foresight exercises: typology, strengths and limitations, requirements for quantitative (data, models) and qualitative approaches (stakeholder involvement ...)Chapter 6: Health Reporting [Marja van Bon (Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands), Hans van Oers, Marieke Verschuuren]Definition, link with information pyramid, role in policy cycle Quality criteria for health reporting (content, process, presentation and communication) The importance of stakeholder involvement, co-creation The digital revolution in health reportingChapter 7: Knowledge Transfer [David Hunter (Durham University), Rosemary Rushmer (Durham University), Tanja Kuchenmüller/Tim Nguyen (WHO-Euro)]The challenges and opportunities related to the interface between research and policy Different models for knowledge transfer Knowledge translation toolsChapter 8: Population Health Monitoring and Other Health Assessments [Rainer Fehr (EUPHA section on Health Impact Assessment) & Nicole Rosenkoetter]Overlap and differences between population health monitoring and other health assessments (e.g. health impact assessment, health systems assessment, health technology assessment) Opportunities for integration and cross-fertilizationChapter 9: Opportunities and Challenges [Marieke Verschuuren & Hans van Oers]Integrative summary focusing on main challenges identified in the book Creating opportunities by linking these challenges to new developments and innovative approaches Identifying points for action (health information development agenda).
This timely volume presents an in-depth tour of population health monitoring-what it is, what it does, and why it has become increasingly important to health information systems across Europe. Introductory chapters ground readers in the structures of health information systems, and the main theoretical and conceptual models of population health monitoring. From there, contributors offer tools and guidelines for optimum monitoring, including best practices for gathering and contextualizing data and for disseminating findings, to benefit the people most affected by the information. And an extended example follows the step-by-step processes of population health monitoring through a study of health inequalities, from data collection to policy recommendations. Included in the coverage: · Structuring health information: frameworks, models, and indicators · Analysis: contextualization of process and content · Knowledge translation: key concepts, terms, and activities · Health inequality monitoring: a practical application of population health monitoring · Relating population health monitoring to other types of health assessments · Population health monitoring: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats A robust guide with international implications for an emerging field, Population Health Monitoring is a salient reference for public health experts working in the field of health information as well as post-graduate public health students and public health policymakers. "In this comprehensive and easy to read volume, Verschuuren and van Oers, accompanied by other specialists in the field, present a fresh and thoroughly researched contribution on the discipline of population health monitoring. They critically analyse and describe the phases, functions and approaches to population health monitoring but far more importantly, the discipline is positioned within the wider domains of public health, health policy and health systems. The book is definitely highly recommended reading for students of public health and health services management but is also a useful refresher course for public health practitioners." Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, President, European Public Health Association Chapter 7 of this book is available open access under a CC BY 3.0 IGO license at Chapter 8 of this book is available open access under a CC BY 3.0 IGO license at