Hybrid and fully thermoelectric solar harvesting /
Dario Narducci, Peter Bermel, Bruno Lorenzi, Ning Wang, Kazuaki Yazawa.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource (xvi, 154 pages) :
Springer series in materials science ;
volume 268
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Acronyms; 1. Introduction; 1.1. Solar Harvesting: Photovoltaics and Beyond; 1.1.1. The Emergence of Renewable Energy Sources; 1.1.2. Photovoltaics: A Technological Success History; 1.2. Aims of This Book; References -- 2. A Primer on Thermoelectric Generators; 2.1. Introduction; 2.2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics of Thermoelectricity; 2.2.1. Thermoelectricity in Linear Thermodynamics; 2.2.2. Thomson Effect; 2.3. Thermoelectric Efficiency in the Constant-Property Limit; 2.3.1. Dirichlet Boundary Conditions; 2.3.2. Neumann Boundary Conditions.
2.4. Thermoelectric Efficiency in the Presence of Large Temperature Differences; 2.4.1. Thermoelectric Potential; 2.4.2. Comparison to CPL Efficiency; 2.4.3. Compatibility and Efficiency; 2.4.4. Engineering Figure of Merit; 2.5. Finite-Rate Thermoelectric Efficiency; 2.5.1. Efficiency of Finite-Rate Thermal Engines; 2.5.2. Application to Thermoelectric Generators; 2.6. Thermoelectric Efficiency Under Non-steady State Conditions; 2.7. Summary and Conclusions; References -- 3. Solar Thermoelectric Generators; 3.1. System Description and State of the Art; 3.1.1. Optical Collector; 3.1.2. Opto-Thermal Converter.
3.1.3. Thermal Collector; 3.1.4. Thermoelectric Converter; 3.1.5. Heat Dissipater; 3.2. Efficiency of STEGs; 3.3. TEG Design; 3.4. Materials Characteristics; References -- 4. A Primer on Photovoltaic Generators; 4.1. Background and Theory; 4.1.1. Introduction; 4.1.2. Solar Spectrum; 4.1.3. Solar Cell I-V Characteristics; 4.1.4. Solar Cell Efficiency; 4.1.5. Solar Cell Applications; 4.2. Review of Photovoltaic Technologies: Types and Classifications; 4.2.1. Overview; 4.2.2. The First-Generation Cells; 4.2.3. The Second Generation Cells; 4.2.4. The Third Generation Cells; 4.3. Solar Cell Device Physics.
4.3.1. The Prevalent Photovoltaic Physical Process; 4.3.2. Silicon Solar Cells; 4.3.3. Dye Sensitized Solar Cells; 4.3.4. Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells; 4.3.5. Conjugated Polymer-Based Solar Cells; 4.3.6. Perovskite Solar Cells; 4.4. Summary; References -- 5. Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Generators: Theory of Operation; 5.1. System Description; 5.2. Solar Cells as Efficient Opto-Thermal Converters; 5.3. Efficiency of HTEPV; 5.4. PV Temperature Sensitivity; 5.5. Fully Hybridized Solar Cells; 5.6. Summary and Conclusions; References -- 6. Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Generators: Materials Issues.
6.1. Introduction; 6.2. Organic Photovoltaic Materials; 6.2.1. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells; 6.2.2. Polymer-Based Solar Cells; 6.2.3. Photothermally Activated Pyroelectrics; 6.2.4. Perovskite Solar Cells; 6.3. Inorganic Photovoltaic Materials; 6.3.1. First Investigations: Polysilicon Solar Cells; 6.3.2. Multi-junction Concentrated Solar Cells; 6.3.3. Non-silicon-Based Solar Cells; 6.4. Summary and Conclusions; References -- 7. Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric-Thermodynamic Co-Generation; 7.1. Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric-Thermodynamic Co-Generation; 7.1.1. Introduction to Triple Cogeneration.
7.1.2. Component Technologies; 7.1.3. Tandem Solar Cells with Optical Concentration; 7.1.4. High Temperature Thermoelectrics; 7.1.5. High Temperature Thermal Storage; 7.1.6. Thermodynamic Mechanical Heat Engines; 7.2. Efficiency of Triple Co-Generation System; 7.2.1. Modeling of Spectrum Integrated System and Trade-Off; 7.2.2. Efficiency and Concentration; 7.2.3. System Scaling Impact; 7.3. Solar Photovoltaic/Thermophotovoltaic/Thermal Triple Cogeneration; 7.3.1. TPV Integrated System; 7.3.2. Practical Considerations; 7.4. Summary; References -- 8. Hybrid Solar Harvesters: Technological Challenges, Economic Issues, and Perspectives; 8.1. Introduction; 8.2. Photovoltaic and Thermoelectric Materials; 8.3. Technological Challenges; 8.4. Economical Sustainability; 8.4.1. Thermoelectric Generators; 8.4.2. Photovoltaic Cells and Modules; 8.4.3. Hybrid Solar Harvesters; 8.4.4. Pay-Back Period; 8.5. Conclusive Remarks; References; Index.
This book provides a comprehensive overview on fully thermal and hybrid solar generators based on thermoelectric devices. The book fills a gap in the literature on solar conversion and thermoelectrics, because despite the growing number of papers dealing with the use of thermoelectrics in solar power conversion, no book exists for PV specialists or thermoelectricity experts to enter this field. The book is intended as a primer for scientists or engineers willing to complement their expertise in one of the two fields, and to get an updated, critical review of the state of the art in thermoelectric solar harvesting.
Springer Nature
Thermoelectric generators.
Alternative & renewable energy sources & technology.