Corruption, Inefficiencies and Practices of Resistance /
Riccardo Armillei.
Cham :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource (277 pages)
Mapping Global Racisms
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Contents; Acronyms and Abbreviations; 1: Inside campi nomadi: The Italian Approach to the Global Shanty Town Development; Global 'Slummification', Romani People and the EU's Response; The Politics of the Romani People in Contemporary Italy; Why a Book on the 'Nomad Camps' in Italy?; The Governance of the 'Camps System' in Rome; The Italian Government; 'Terzo Settore'/Third Sector/CSOs; The Romani 'Camp-Dwellers'; A 'Contentious Space'; Research Design; Target Group, Sample Size and Recruitment Methods; Bibliography
2: The Institutional and Spatial Segregation of Romanies in ItalyRomani People/Romanies/Roma: A Kaleidoscope of Definitions; The Making of the 'Camps Policy'; From Protection to Segregation; The Camp as a 'Civilising Site'; From Italian 'baraccati' to Romani 'Camp-Dwellers'; The Legislative Framework on Romani Issues; 'Legal Limbo'; Like stranieri in patria; The Lack of National Legislation Regarding the Romani Issue; Lack of Cultural Recognition and Cultural Misinterpretation; Bibliography; 3: The Paradoxes of the Italian Approach Towards the Romani People
An Over-Optimistic View of CRI's InterventionConflict Between CRI and Other CSOs; CSOs' Involvement Within the 'Camps System'; Non-Romani CSOs Working Within the Camps ('Pro-camps'); Non-Romani Advocacy Organisations Rejecting the Camps ('No-Camps'); The Catholic Organisations; The Role Played by Public Institutions; V Department: Nomads Office; XI Department: Education and Schooling Policies; XII Municipal Hall: Cultural Office; Final Observations; Bibliography; 5: Between Self-Determination and 'Collective-Identity Closure'; Paternalistic Approaches and Romani Voicelessness
The Enactment of the Emergenza Nomadi: National LevelThe Piano Nomadi in Rome; Political Bipartisanship on Romani Issues; A 'National Strategy'; A Tokenistic Role; 'A Book of Dreams'; Final Observations; Bibliography; 4: The Business of the Camps During the 'Nomad Emergency'; From Left to Right: The Introduction of the CRI in Camps' Management; Change of Plan: The Emergence of Inefficiencies, Overlaps and Conflict; Interview with CRI Representatives in Rome; Lack of Transparency and an Attitude of Concealment; Strong Belief in the Neutrality and Independence of the CRI
The Proliferation of Romani OrganisationsThe Weakness of Romani Associationism in the City of Rome; The Interview with Najo Adzovic; Romani People as 'Fighters' and 'Collective-Identity Closure'; Romani Separateness/Distinctiveness; 'Romaniya', 'Anti-Gadje', Double Personality; Absence of a Shared Understanding of 'Romaniness'; The Camp as a 'Resistance Site'; The Case of M. (as Narrated by Romani Speakers); The Case of E.; The Case of B.; The Case of Co.; The Case of Ti.; The Case of the E., W., B. and G.: The Italian Sinti; The Case of the Former Inhabitants of Casilino 900
This book deals with the social exclusion of Romanies ('Gypsies') in Italy. Based on interviews with Romani individuals, institutional and Civil Society Organisations' (CSOs) representatives, participant observation and a broad range of secondary sources, the volume focuses on the conditions of those living in Rome's urban slums and on the recent implementation of the so-called 'Emergenza Nomadi' (Nomad Emergency). The enactment of this extraordinary measure concealed the existence of a long-established institutional tradition of racism and control directed at Romanies. It was not the result of a sudden, unexpected situation which required an immediate action, as the declaration of an 'emergency' might imply, but rather of a precise government strategy. By providing an investigation into the interactions between Romanies, local institutions and CSOs, this book will deliver a new perspective on the Romani issue by arguing that the 'camp' is not only a tool for institutional control and segregation, but also for 'resistance', as well as a huge business in which everyone plays their part.
'Camps System' in Italy : Corruption, Inefficiencies and Practices of Resistance.